Our physical and mental health are inextricably tied to our gut health. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" and "Gut and Physiology Syndrome" (GAPS) explains today the importance of healing and sealing the gut for vibrant health. She describes how the GAPS diet can do just that, resolving a compromised digestive system (commonly referred to as "leaky gut").
The porous gut wall unfortunately allows toxins to flow from the gut to the bloodstream and then throughout the body, leading to physical diseases or mental health concerns. Whether the symptoms are related to mental health (like schizophrenia, depression, and ADHD) or physical health (like allergies, brain fog, and autoimmune conditions), they can be resolved by addressing the root problem: poor gut health. The GAPS nutritional protocol is the powerful tool Natasha recommends. She discusses how it works and reminds us that epigenetics (lifestyle changes) play a part in turning things around. She also invites us to keep in mind that a diagnosis of any kind is not our destiny.
Visit Natasha Campbell-McBride's recommended websites: gaps.me, Doctor-Natasha.com, GAPStraining.com, gapssciencefoundation.org
Check out our website for further resources: westonaprice.org
Become a member of WAPF
See our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Marithyme Seafood, Optimal Carnivore
It's time to maximize the nutrition and minimize the anti-nutrients in our beans, grains, seeds, and legumes. We can do this through the ancient process of soaking and sprouting them. Peggy Sutton, the founder and president of To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co., explains how to do this and why. She's bringing the practice back after years of being overlooked.
Today, she tells us about how she came across this practice in the first place. She describes how sprouting works to strip away toxins. She discusses how to go about it at home. And she also reveals the dirty little secret about the "sprouted flour" industry (how not every product bearing the label "sprouted" actually has been sprouted).
Visit her website: healthyflour.com
Get her article, "How to Sprout at Home"
Find more resources on our website westonaprice.org
Check out our sponsors: Bordeaux Kitchen Naturals, Redmond Salt, Upgraded Formulas, and Optimal Carnivore
Water is an observer. Water is wild. Water is a source. Today we explore water’s creativity and secret intelligence. And the implications of such water flowing through us. Veda Austin is a water researcher, public speaker, artist, and author. Today, she goes over some surprising facts about water that may change how we relate to it. She describes experiments, for example, that point to how water responds to energy, intentions, and its environment. She reminds us of the fact that water courses through us and that we, as human beings, are essentially bodies of water--and how water ties all life together, physically, energetically, and spiritually. Finally, she highlights how water played a role in her healing, following a serious car accident.
Check out her website: vedaaustin.com
Visit our website for more podcast episodes or resources: westonaprice.org
See our sponsors: Bordeaux Kitchen Naturals, Branch Basics, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore
We've been told that eating healthy means eating a lot of vegetables, but what if plants and vegetables have a "dark side"? What might an animal-based diet do for our health and well-being? There’s a lot of buzz about the carnivore diet right now. What does an animal-based diet look like and how can it benefit us? Dr. Paul Saladino, a leading expert on the science and application of the carnivore diet, sheds light on what this kind of diet can do for those on a healing journey.
As a conventionally-trained doctor, he was taught very little about nutrition, but he took it upon himself to do a deep dive. What he found changed the course of his practice. Now, he uses the carnivore diet to help patients reverse autoimmune conditions, chronic inflammation, and mental health issues.
Today, Paul compares the long-term effects of eating a vegan diet with meat-eaters. (Hint: the latter fare better.) He reviews why animal products are very good for us and why plant foods are less so. He explains why he considers the carnivore diet good for both men and women. And why his own animal-based diet today includes some fruits and even raw milk.
As you listen, please keep in mind that the Wise Traditions diet that WAPF recommends is an omnivore diet rich in traditional fat, with moderate amounts of protein and carbohydrates. Rather than eliminating plant foods, we offer methods to make it easier for our bodies to absorb and assimilate them. Nonetheless, we wanted to explore the topic of a carnivore diet in today's episode.
Visit Paul's website: carnivoremd.com
Check out Janine Farzin's Liver Lover Course: offallygoodcooking.com
See our sponsors: DefenderShield, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore
The President of the United States recently declared that the pandemic is over. Now what? Charles Eisenstein offers insights on where we've been and where we are headed. Charles is a bestselling author, public speaker, and social critic. He speaks of the pandemic time as an initiation, or invitation, to investigate new ways of living, both as individuals and as a society.
Today, Charles covers several topics, including the broken societal systems that over the past few years valued safety over connection and authority over personal empowerment. He points out how those who dared to challenge the mainstream narrative were ostracized—and how he personally faced such shunning and dealt with it. He points out the futility of the "blame game" many of us are involved in--looking for a scapegoat for our societal woes--and he invites us to take steps to reclaim our sovereignty & humanity.
Visit his website: charleseisenstein.org
See our website for resources: westonaprice.org
Listen to the Wellness and Wisdom podcast
Check out our sponsors: Branch Basics, Paleo Valley, and Optimal Carnivore