
Wise Traditions

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.
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Mar 4, 2024

To set your body up for healing, it needs to feel it is safe. Safety signaling frees up "bandwidth" for your nervous system to repair and reset. Dr. Olivia Lesslar is a medical doctor who specializes in neuro optimization. Today, she explains how to make space for your body to heal with safety signaling. She offers concrete tips that she has successfully used with her own patients to get them into the parasympathetic healing state, like scanning the horizon and eating meals at the same time everyday. She also tells the story of her own journey and how safety signaling helped her body heal on multiple levels.


Visit Olivia's website: -

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For our resources in Spanish go here: WAPF en español -

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley - and Optimal Carnivore -

Feb 26, 2024

You have the right to protect your health and your home. Whether it is unsafe trespassing technology or other unwanted interventions, Josh Del Sol Beaulieu and Cal Washington today discuss how to reclaim your authority against technologies like EMFs, 5G, smart meters and vaccinations. Josh is the man behind the documentary "Take Back Your Power" and Cal is the co-founder of the InPower Movement.

Together, Josh and Cal cover how to protect your privacy, financial future, health and freedom in a time when these are being increasingly threatened on a global scale. They offer specific action steps that are practical and efficacious, in addition to explaining their spiritual philosophy that keeps them focused and empowered.

Go to the guests' websites for more information: and

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Check out our sponsors: One Earth Health and Marithyme Seafood Company

Feb 19, 2024

Is there anything "sacred" about hunting? What can it teach us, technically, emotionally, or spiritually? Kyle Kingsbury, former MMA professional and Human Optimization Director at Onnit, talks about the lessons he's learned from hunting that have influenced his perspective on his relationship to nature, his own masculinity, and ancestral wisdom.

Check out Kyle's website:

Go to for info on raw milk

See our sponsors: Optimal Carnivore and Vintage Tradition

Feb 12, 2024

Are you addicted to sugar? Do you feel your blood sugar dip when you haven't eaten? Do you get hangry? If you're struggling with any of the above, or with insulin resistance or weight gain, this episode is for you.

All of these are signs that you may need to curtail your refined sugar intake and help your body stabilize by avoiding refined sugar. Dr. Weston A. Price called sugar a "displacing food of modern commerce." Too often it takes the place of more nourishing fare. It's also highly addictive.

Today, Sally Fallon Morell, President and Founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, offers specific suggestions for how to make some simple shifts. She discusses the ways sugar impedes good health, but also how we have healthier options to help satisfy our natural sweet tooth without compromising our health.

Towards the end of the episode, we read our "Sugar Alert!" brochure which we are offering for free this week (see link below).

Visit Sally's blog:

Get the free Sugar Alert brochure this week!

Check out our sponsors: Marithyme Seafood and Pluck

Feb 5, 2024

If you are considering getting the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine, or having your teenager or young adult get it, you need to first understand why the vaccine was created in the first place, the risks involved with getting the vaccine (compared to the risk of contracting HPV) and how cervical cancer can be prevented through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

These are exactly the things that Dr. Nathan Riley reviews on today’s podcast. He offers insights for all of us on the financial incentives for pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines, the dangerous side effects of the HPV vaccine, in particular, and what he has learned about the risks and outcomes for those who do get the HPV vaccine and for those who do not.


Check out Nathan’s website:

Join the Weston A. Price Foundation email list

See our website for more resources:

Visit our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore

Jan 29, 2024

India is NOT a vegetarian nation. Only about 20% of the population does not eat meat. However, there is a growing anti-meat movement in India that is negatively impacting many in that country. Today, Dr. Sylvia Karpagam goes over the societal, governmental, and corporate forces that are a part of the propaganda wave. The efforts include banning eggs and meat from school lunches.


Dr. Sylvia is a public health doctor and human rights advocate who explains how the traditional caste system in India plays a part in the biases against meat. She also covers the current state of nutrition and well-being in that country, how far some go to penalize meat eaters, and how and why some are promoting a nutrient-poor, cereal-heavy diet to those who are most in need of nutrient-rich foods.


Check out Dr. Karpagam's blog: -

Follow Weston A. Price Foundation on these platforms:

Instagram -, Facebook -, MeWe -, Telegram - , and YouTube -

See our sponsors: Optimal Carnivore - and Vintage Tradition -

Jan 22, 2024

Ginny Yurich, author of "1000 Hours Outside" and "Until the Streetlights Come On" challenges parents to help their children choose "green time" over "screen time."  And considering how much time all of us spend on screens, this is a challenge indeed. Today, Ginny offers suggestions for how to make the great outdoors more enticing for our children. She talks about the changes that unstructured play, outside, has made for her children and her own life.


She covers the benefits of outdoor time for children's physical and mental health and the development of their social skills. And she gives specific ideas for overcoming their reluctance (and our own) to get outside in the first place.


Visit Ginny's website:

Check out our raw milk website:

Find more resources at our website:

Visit our sponsors: One Earth Health and Marithyme Seafood Company

Jan 15, 2024

Do you ever wish there were a study comparing outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated infants, children, and adults? There have been hundreds of these studies. The results are peer-reviewed and published and have been compiled by our guest today, Dr. Brian Hooker. Brian lets the science speak in the course of this podcast interview and as the co-author of the New York Times best-selling book "Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak." He shares the conclusions of numerous studies that show the difference in health outcomes between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. He also covers specific issues with the flu shot, thimerosal in vaccines, vaccines for pregnant women, and more. This may be just the episode you've been waiting for if you've wanted some clear-cut data to share with those who have never seen such studies contrasting vaccinated and unvaccinated populations in black and white.

Visit for more information.

See our website for more resources:

Purchase our Healthy Baby Journal

Check out our sponsors: Optimal Carnivore and Offally Good Cooking

Jan 8, 2024

Lard mimics our natural skin oils. It has the same ph balance and lipid balance as our skin does. This is one reason we might want to consider not only cooking with it, but using it for skin care! Charles Mayfield, author, regenerative farmer, and founder of Farrow (lard-based skincare) today explains how lard is good for both our health and our skin.

He goes over lard’s nutrient profile, why it’s been maligned or misunderstood for so long, and how he stumbled into discovering its wonders himself. Charles also offers simple tips for healthy living, inside and out!

Check out his website:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

Support our sponsors Paleo Valley and Pluck Seasoning

Jan 6, 2024

A mythical island known as the “other Atlantis,” Skellig Michael where monks once dwelled, and the story of how oysters saved humanity are just a few of the many highlights from today's episode. Marine biologist Stephen Kavanagh gives us an overview of wise traditions in Ireland. Stephen shares the earliest accounts of life in Ireland—from what the people ate to how they embraced art and beauty. In essence, he takes us on a tour of his beloved Ireland.


Check out Stephen's website:

Subscribe to the Weston A. Price Foundation's YouTube channel

Check out our sponsors: Gray Toad Tallow and the New Biology Clinic


Jan 1, 2024

The Karen tribe in Thailand. The Daasanach in Ethiopia. The Mount Hagen festival in Papua New Guinea. Mary Ruddick, a nutritionist, researcher, and adventurer, describes what she learned during her field research among indigenous people groups this summer. She goes over what buoys good health and what weakens it, the traditions we would do well to emulate, and the modern conveniences we should eschew. She also describes her “throne of health” framework for optimizing our health, wherever we may live.


For more from Mary, visit her website:

To order Wise Traditions conference recordings:

Check out our sponsors: Marithyme Seafood and Optimal Carnivore

Dec 25, 2023

Do you want to better your sleep? Learn more about seed oils? Discover what Pfizer knew but didn't reveal about their mRNA shot?

The most popular Wise Traditions podcast interviews of 2023 focused on just these topics. which are highlighted in this episode. This "Best of 2023" features segments from a conversation with Naomi Wolf of Daily Clout on the Pfizer Documents, a discussion with Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, on seed oils, and an interview with Devin Burke on how to improve sleep.


The full-length interviews are here:

403 Better Sleep with Devin Burke

406 Avoid Seed Oils with Sally Fallon Morell

421 Pfizer Documents Exposé with Naomi Wolf


Visit our guests' websites:

Naomi Wolf -

Sally Fallon Morell -

Devin Burke -


Subscribe to the Weston A. Price Foundation YouTube channel 

Check out our sponsors: Offally Good Cooking and Optimal Carnivore


Dec 18, 2023

Where to start to nourish our family well? How do we make the time and develop rhythms to feed the family ancestrally? How can we incorporate more nutrient-dense foods on a regular basis? What if the family isn't "into it"?

How do we handle moving in this direction, when the whole world seems to be going the other way?

We posed these questions to a panel of experts at the Wise Traditions conference in Kansas in October 2023. Maureen Diaz, Hilary Boynton, Christine Muldoon, and Sally Fallon Morell were the panelists of wise women, who have much experience and over 20 kids collectively! Maureen leads God's Good Table. Hilary Boynton is an author and the head of School of Lunch. Christine Muldoon, from the Modern Ancestral Mamas podcast, is head of Nourish the Littles. And Sally Fallon Morell is the founder and president of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

On this LIVE podcast, they tackle these questions and more. They address how to handle picky eaters, how to meal plan, and how they handle feelings of loneliness and challenge. They even share their secret tools of the trade, along with mistakes they've made along the way. We hope this live interview inspires you to continue to nourish your family well.


Check out our panelists' websites:

Maureen Diaz -

Hilary Boynton - 

Christine Muldoon - 

Sally Fallon Morell - 

Join the Nourishing Our Children community:

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore

Dec 11, 2023

What would ever possess a couple to live off grid, with no electricity, no plumbing, and so removed from civilization? For Doug and Stacy, it started with small changes that they began to make to improve their health. Little by little, the small shifts they incorporated–such as replacing a plastic shower curtain and changing the timing of meals–took them closer and closer to a lifestyle that was sustainable, fulfilling, health-enhancing and ultimately, yes, off grid. Over time, they lost weight, eliminated brain fog, and regained energy and vitality.

This couple, most known for their YouTube channel “Off Grid with Doug and Stacy”, shows us what’s possible. They remind us that good health is attainable through small steps. And that such steps just might get us to live to the ripe old age of 120, whether we go completely off grid or not.

Check out Doug and Stacy’s website:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation at

Visit our sponsors: Pluck and Optimal Carnivore

Dec 4, 2023

Menopause is inevitable. Suffering is optional. So says our guest gerontologist and biohacker, Zora Benhamou. Zora is the host of the "Hack My Age" podcast, and she reminds us today that through our mindset and lifestyle choices we can make menopause a smooth, even empowering chapter of our life. She covers the various stages of this life transition for women (peri-menopause, post-menopause, and everything in between) and offers insights and tips for managing them. She also talks about what a taboo subject menopause is in many cultures. Finally, she reminds us there's nothing to fear about it and suggests we can disrupt ageist stereotypes at every age and stage.


Check out Zora Benhamou's website:


Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation at (and use the code pod10 for $10 off)


Visit our sponsors:

Paleo Valley 

Optimal Carnivore

Nov 30, 2023

Binders escort toxins out of the body. Pine gum is an ancient remedy for parasites. Seed oils are to be avoided in our children's diet. Eating less meat will not help the environment. Children's Health Defense is an advocacy group committed to protecting our children on multiple levels.

These are some of the topics highlighted in today's supersode. It's bonus content that has not been previously published, with insights from guests we've featured in recent months. You'll hear from Adam Parker, Vani Hari, Judith Schwartz, Laura Villanti, and Mary Holland. And you'll be empowered to detox, improve your diet, and find resources for healthy living for you and your family.

Check out our guests' websites:

Adam Parker -

Vani Hari -

Judith Schwartz -

Laura Villanti -

Mary Holland -

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation here

(and use the code Pod10 for a $10 discount)


Nov 27, 2023

For too long we've been obsessed with calorie-counting. It's high time we started counting nutrients instead. Dianne Koehler is the owner and Director of the Nutrition Therapy Institute (NTI) in Colorado. Today, Dianne helps us get a handle on what to look for when it comes to feeding ourselves and our families nutrient-dense food.


She goes over the building blocks of nutrition. She explains why we must carefully evaluate claims on packages and advice from governmental agencies about what to eat. She goes over how to determine which foods actually serve us best and how to identify foods that deserve the label “superfood”. (Hint: these are foods that offer the most nutrient-density and come from animal products that are well-sourced). In sum, she gives tips for making better choices in the day-to-day. And along the way she tells about the a-ha that led her to abandon her vegan diet for a more nutrient-rich one, for her and her family.


Go to Dianne's website:

SIgn up for your first nutrition course:

Make the 50% pledge on our website: -

Check out our sponsors: Offally Good Cooking's Liver Lover Challenge - and Optimal Carnivore -

Nov 13, 2023

Itchiness. Indigestion. Digestive issues. Allergies. Asthma. Brain fog. Even food sensitivities. All of these could indicate that there is a parasite imbalance in the body. Laura Villanti, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and the founder of At Home with Wellness, helps guide you to determine how to test for parasites, the most effective protocols for eliminating them, and how to become a “bad host” for them.

Laura goes over, in detail, why not all parasite testing is accurate and which she recommends the most. She explains the role of parasites (yes, nature has a task for them) and how an imbalance can lead to trouble and what to do about it. She gets specific about how to avoid getting parasites in the first place, with simple tips, like thoroughly washing produce, maintaining a clean home, ingesting specific herbs, and also making sure that our beloved pets don’t accidentally transmit their parasites to us.

Visit Laura’s website:

For parasite testing go here:

Parasitology Center Inc. (PCI)

Parawellness Research

Klinghardt Autonom Response Testing

Join the Weston A. Price Foundation email list

Check out our sponsors: Pluck and Optimal Carnivore

Nov 6, 2023

Do you ever wonder where your steak came from? Did you know that there are only four major companies that control the majority of the beef supply in the U.S.? This is one reason that our food supply chain is so fragile. And this is what AJ Richards is setting out to change. AJ is a combat veteran, an entrepreneur and the head of Sustenance Earth, Inc. He wants to help everyone understand the importance of knowing the provenance of their food and establishing food security.


As AJ puts it, it's time to "shake the hand that feeds us" by getting to know our local rancher. Going local upsets the conventional beef industry but it shores up your food security. You see, it's the beef industry centralization that is compounding issues in our national US food system...and that same system is negatively impacting our health and food sovereignty.


AJ highlights today some of the issues with the current system and how to opt out of it, for the sake of your health and food freedom). He also tells of a standoff that his family had with the Bureau of Land Management that was attempting to confiscate their land.


Visit AJ's website: -

Find more resources on our website: -

Check out our sponsors: Real Milk -

Paleo Valley -

Optimal Carnivore -

Oct 30, 2023

When was pasteurization introduced and why? Should adults drink raw milk? What nutrients does it contain? And where can I get it?


If you're intrigued by raw milk, you've come to the right place! Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, today answers all of these questions and more. She also gives an update on which states in the U.S. (nearly all, except for four) have legalized its sale. And she explains how raw milk is nature's most complete food (and a fragile one that should be treated with care).


Check out Sally's blog for more information: -

Find raw milk near you in the U.S. at -

See our website for more resources: -

Visit our sponsors: Dr. Tom Cowan's New Biology Curriculum -

Nutrition Therapy Institute -

and Optimal Carnivore -

Oct 23, 2023

Non-native electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs). PFAs (forever chemicals in the air and food). Heavy metals. Mold. These are just some of the toxins in our environment that assail us. And that we need to get out of the body so that it can function optimally. Today's guest is Adam Parker, a detox expert and the host of the Your Ideal Day podcast.


He reviews simple steps to detox (including dry brushing and rebounding) and more intense protocols (like flushes, cleanses, and enemas). He goes over the use of castor oil, olive oil and lemon juice, dandelion root and chamomile as part of the detox process. In sum, he explains the how and the why behind detoxification and makes a strong case for its use, especially if you're feeling "stuck" with no explanation for your health concerns.


Visit Adam's website for more resources: -

See our website for more podcast episodes and resources: -

Check out our sponsors: Baja Gold Salt -

Offally Good Cooking - 

Optimal Carnivore - 

Oct 16, 2023

How can you develop mindfulness beyond meditating on a mat? Are there ways to start to tap into your intuition? And how can these tools (along with critical thinking) help us navigate turbulent times?


Ora Nadrich is the author of “Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity” and “Time to Awaken.” She is also the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking. Today, she offers insights on what we've been through in recent years and how to keep going and growing in the midst of the panic, fear, and uncertainty. She talks about how to develop discernment to distinguish the difference between illusions and reality and she offers ideas for cultivating calm when anxiety seems to be lurking around every corner.


Visit Ora's website:

Register for the Wise Traditions conference (or simply for the livestream:

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore



Oct 9, 2023

There are so many ingredients on food labels that are unrecognizable to us. This likely means that they are unrecognizable to our bodies, as well--which means that they're harming rather than helping us.

Vani Hari, known as the Food Babe, is a best-selling author and activist that is dedicated to uncovering what's in our food and how it's affecting us, so that we can be empowered in the supermarket, restaurant, and in our own kitchens, to nourish ourselves well.

She covers the importance of avoiding food dyes, "natural flavorings," and refined sugars, as a starting place. She talks about the personal ramifications of going after the food industry and revealing its secrets...and why she remains undaunted. Lastly, she offers timely advice for feeding the family well and why, as far as she's concerned, the 80/20 "rule" (eating well for 80% of the time) doesn't cut it anymore.

Visit Vani's website and look for her latest book "Food Babe Family":

Register for our Wise Traditions conference:

Check out our sponsors: Pluck Organ Seasoning and Optimal Carnivore

Oct 2, 2023

 Most American lawns are lovely...but not exactly an efficient use of space. What if we made the most of the land, helping to turn it into a source of sustenance for our families and communities? We could use permacultural principles to understand the land and collaborate with current ecosystems to help bring about its full potential. So says guest Jim Gale of Food Forest Abundance.

On today's episode, Jim talks about how to get started with small shifts: how to decide what to plant and where to get started exactly. He also covers the importance of protecting ourselves against food shortages through better land management. And how we might cross our own mental barriers to start to explore this somewhat alternative lifestyle.


Visit Jim's website:

Register for our Wise Traditions conference at

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore


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