We seem to be rushing headlong into not only developing a coronavirus vaccine but mandating it worldwide. Is this a good idea? Dr. Andrew Wakefield, an expert in vaccines and director of the documentary "Vaxxed," helps us step back and look at the big picture.
He explains how our growing understanding of the microbiome should influence the approach to this current crisis. He reviews why it's been historically problematic to develop a vaccine against a particular virus. And he shares his concern that there are larger forces at play that may tip the balance on medical freedom and our ability to fight disease.
Visit the website of his last movie:https://vaxxedthemovie.com
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Check out our sponsors: Chelsea Green and Ancestral Supplements
There is more at stake in our current health crisis than meets the eye. It’s important to look at the nature of the virus, and also our approach to confronting it. Leslie Manookian, the writer and producer of the documentary “The Greater Good” today gives us context to consider related to the coronavirus. She covers a lot of ground in this conversation. She explains why White House Health Advisor Dr. Fauci is in favor of accelerating the development of a vaccine, even though vaccines against respiratory viruses are problematic, and she reveals the role and influence of Bill Gates in renown health institutes and the media. Leslie also emphasizes the importance of understanding and defending our health freedom.
Visit Leslie's website: greatergoodmovie.org.
For more coronavirus resources from the Weston A. Price Foundation, click here.
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements and Chelsea Green Publishing
Most of the world is on lock-down. Social distancing and quarantine are our new way of life. Fear, anxiety, and, yes, hysteria are affecting the mood and social fabric of many nations. Dr. Tedd Koren, Doctor of Chiropractic, author, and professor, offers reassurance that this need not become the "new normal."
In this conversation, Dr. Koren presents an alternative and unconventional point of view on today's situation. He explains why the virus may not justify the hype. He cites: the fact that the coronavirus has not been identified as contagious (by the measure of Koch's Postulates), the low death rate (compared to initial predictions), the lack of proof that social distancing works, and how fear can be a tool for controlling the masses. He goes over the history of past pandemics and our response to them, worldwide. Finally, he reminds us that our bodies know how to heal, if we simply cooperate with them, as opposed to tamping down symptoms.
For more from Dr. Koren, visit his website: korenwellness.com
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Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements
Veganism and vegetarianism have become the hip and “clean” way to eat, for many—particularly for young people. But what is this diet doing to our health? Throughout history, has any traditional culture deliberately chosen to forego meat in favor of a 100% plant-based diet?
In this week’s episode, Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author of “Nourishing Traditions,” discusses the importance animal products have held in diets around the globe. Sally touches on the work of Dr. Price (who found no completely plant-based diet among indigenous people) and the ethics of eating animal foods. She covers what happens to our bodies when we don’t include animal products (issues with tooth decay, weight gain or loss, and more) and stresses the dangers of vitamin B12 deficiencies. Finally, she reviews how to source and prepare animal foods to get the most out of them. This episode is a review of principle #2 of the Wise Traditions lifestyle: that all traditional cultures included animal products in their diet.
For more from Sally, see her blog at nourishingtraditions.com.
Visit our website for more resources: westonaprice.org.
Order our trifold pack (12 brochures) here.
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements and White Oak Pastures
What is going on? Is the coronavirus an infectious disease as we’ve been told? Is there a different way to understand viruses and our current health crisis?
Dr. Tom Cowan challenges our paradigm of both in today’s podcast episode. He discusses Koch’s postulates: the standard by which scientists and doctors have long determined infectious diseases. And he explains why it's problematic that this standard has not been applied on the coronavirus. He sheds light on the issues with testing using the RTPCR test.
And he reveals a very different theory on how viruses spread, considering them as messengers of sorts, that respond to poisons that jeopardize our health.
He also addresses the part that our environment plays in wellness. He discusses air pollution and non-native electromagnetic frequencies—particularly 5G. He also goes back in time, pointing out how certain conditions that were factors at the time of the 1918 flu pandemic and polio, for example, are also at play today.
Tom goes over all of the science in a logical, step-by-step fashion to help us get a grasp on how we got to where we are today.
For more from Dr. Tom Cowan, visit his website: fourfoldhealing.com
For resources from the Weston A. Price Foundation, visit our website: westonaprice.org
Listen to our podcast "Common Sense in the Face of COVID-19" with Joel Salatin.
Check out our podcast "Protect yourself from the Coronavirus (or any virus)" with Sally Fallon Morell.