Emotional Freedom Technique (known as EFT or tapping) is a simple, non-invasive healing technique that moves energy in the body. It has been used to great effect to relieve anxiety, PTSD, improve sports performance, and more. EFT practitioner Bev Nerenberg helps us understand what it is, how it works, and how to get started tapping.
Bev has been tapping for decades now. She explains how it can help alleviate emotional and physical issues through a gentle tapping procedure, using the body’s meridian system. She tells the story of how she first came across EFT (what she calls "acupuncture without the needles") and how effective it was at helping her deal with anger and other issues. She even walks us through a step-by-step tapping tutorial.
Visit Bev's website: wellnessatyourfingertips.com
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Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners, Women's Meditation Network, Optimal Carnivore
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Shadow work is the process of exploring the hidden side of yourself. In the work, you learn to let go of facades and ways of relating that are disempowering. Today, Dr. Kelly Brogan invites us to lean into the challenges and enjoy the freedom and growth that can result from increased self-awareness.
Kelly is a holistic psychiatrist, the author of A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self, and the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset. She points out that shadow work helps us break old patterns and to discover what it feels like to really live--feeling our feelings, facing fear, and exploring parts of ourselves that we have either ignored or resisted.
She suggests that we begin with curiosity about ourselves, rather than self-judgment or condemnation. She reminds us that at times we may feel like we're actually dying as we sit with uncomfortable feelings. She describes the process as a spiral path of learning, where we revisit lessons throughout our lives. Finally, Kelly reminds us that this work can result in a life characterized by greater joy and overflowing vitality.
Visit Kelly's website: kellybroganmd.com
Register for our Wise Traditions conference in October.
Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley, Ultimate Dog, Optimal Carnivore
Order our free Nutrition for Mental Health brochure
What does breakfast have to do with mental health? A good deal, according to Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Sally covers today the role nutrition plays in our wellbeing. Nutrient deficiencies can easily lead to mental instability. Sally reviews the nutrients needed for healthy brain and cellular function, like cholesterol and saturated fats. She explains how animal fats work synergistically in the body to create our own cannabinoids, chemicals that regulate reward pathways and increase dopamine release. She helps us understand what to put on the table and what to avoid. Bone broth is in, for example; MSG, soy, and GMOs are out. Basically, she helps us understand how to build a nutrient-dense foundation for good mental and physical health.
Visit Sally's blog: nourishingtraditions.com
Join the Weston A. Price Foundation's email list.
Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners, Sleep Meditations for Women, Optimal Carnivore
Burnout is emotional, physical, or mental exhaustion. Symptoms include extreme fatigue, hair loss, anxiety, frequent colds, and more. It's basically a stress overload. Adam Parker, a corporate wellness consultant and the host of The Ideal Day Podcast, addresses the issue.
Adam had his own serious burnout experience in 2018 that led to his work today: helping others avoid burnout or recover from it. He offers insights on the topic for all of us. He defines it. He explains the dependence strategies many of us rely on to manage it (including turning to coffee or alcohol). And he offers healthy alternatives that help us lower the load we feel. He speaks of guarding the mind and the body; he reminds us of the healing power of nature, sunlight, and connection to one another. And ultimately, he offers tools that help us regain our health and balance.
Visit his website: youridealday.com
Get the Weston A. Price Foundation free info pack.
Check out our sponsors: Ultimate Dog Chirp, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore