What if your body isn't malfunctioning but adapting? Could trauma or conflict be the root cause of the dis-ease you’re experiencing?
Dr. Melissa Sell, a chiropractor and New Medicine consultant, shares an insightful overview of Germanic New Medicine (GNM), a radically different approach to healing. Many of us spend years overhauling our diets or trying new protocols for gut issues, autoimmune conditions, and chronic illnesses—often without lasting results.
Melissa explains the fundamentals of GNM, highlighting how a root conflict or emotional shock can trigger the body’s adaptation process, leading to symptoms, healing, and eventual resolution. She shares her personal journey of overcoming acne through GNM and why she believes every life conflict serves a purpose, helping us grow and learn.
Visit Melissa's website
Listen to the Gubba Homestead Podcast
Check out our sponsors: Rosita Cod Liver Oil and One Earth Health
What if everything we’ve been told is backwards?
Peanuts have been labeled bad for us due to mycotoxins, but what if they’re actually protective—especially against EMFs? And copper, once a staple in our lives through pipes, tools, and cups, has been replaced with iron, PVC, and plastic. Why did we move away from this beneficial material?
In this episode, Matt Roeske of Cultivate Elevate explores "inverted truths" about our health and well-being. From climate change and its manufactured narrative to the real story behind peanuts, copper, and water scarcity, Matt challenges mainstream assumptions. He invites us to think critically and rediscover what truly supports health and balance.
Check out Matt's website: Cultivate Elevate
Listen to the Gubba Homestead Podcast
See our sponsors: Arvoti skincare and Optimal Carnivore
Here's a fresh approach for weight loss! Instead of counting calories or eating less and moving more, what about taking into account the vibration of food, i.e. its life force energy? This is what Chef Whitney Aronoff, of High Vibration Foods, recommends on today's episode.
Whitney's approach focuses less on the numbers on the scale and more on how we feel and how the food we eat makes us feel. She also covers the importance of freshness and sourcing. She tells stories of how her clients' health and weight has stabilized with this perspective. And she also shares what she, as a personal chef, recommends for food choices that help reduce anxiety, boost mood, and improve our relationship with food and our weight.
Check out Whitney's website: Starseed Kitchen
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Visit our sponsors' websites: Paleo Valley and Black Lotus Shilajit.
A mythical island known as the “other Atlantis,” Skellig Michael where monks once dwelled, and the story of how oysters saved humanity are just a few of the many highlights from today's episode. Marine biologist Stephen Kavanagh gives us an overview of wise traditions in Ireland. Stephen shares the earliest accounts of life in Ireland—from what the people ate to how they embraced art and beauty. In essence, he takes us on a tour of his beloved Ireland.
Check out Stephen's website: marinehealthfoods.com
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Check out our sponsors: Gray Toad Tallow and the New Biology Clinic