Do you want to get the most out of your food? There are so many different approaches to eating healthily, how do you know what's best? Sally Fallon Morell explains, in clear, simple terms, how to maximize each bite. In today's episode, she emphasizes the most important (yet often overlooked) Wise Traditions dietary principle: nutrient density. Traditional diets were very nutrient-dense: high in vitamins and minerals and replete with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. Processed, packaged foods tout "added vitamins and minerals" but real foods are naturally power-packed with what we need for building strong, healthy bodies!
She goes into detail about why A, D, and K are so important and how they work together and should be in balance in our food (and in our bodies). She lists foods where these critical vitamins can be found. She tells stories of those whose lives have been changed through better nutrition. And she gives practical suggestions for what to include in your diet (or your children's diets) to eliminate fatigue and improve mood and optimism.
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