
Wise Traditions

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.
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Aug 15, 2016

Do you want the option of buying raw milk legally in your state? Would you like to have chickens in your backyard? The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) works hard to defend your right to obtain the food of your choice from the source of your choice. Pete Kennedy, an attorney in Florida, is on the board of the FTCLDF and he has personally been involved in representing and counseling farmers who are simply trying to provide local, sustainable foods to their neighbors, schools, and grocery stores. 

Many of us know that good health begins at the dining room table. The healthiest diets are those made up of nutrient-dense, organic foods from small local farmers, not from the industrial food complex. Listen to Pete and learn about the influences at play on what is available to us as consumers, and how you can make a difference in the fight for food freedom.

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Aug 8, 2016

There is lots of controversy and discussion on the topic of vaccination these days—some touting their benefits and others, their risks. Cilla Whatcott stays above the fray. She is not interested in being a part of any camp, but rather wants to empower parents and health care professionals about their choices, by educating them about homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis (HP). In today’s episode, you will become familiar with this safe alternative to vaccination. Some call HP the “green vaccine” because it does not cause harm but rather provides natural protection against disease. The goal of homeopathy is to educate the immune system and to help the body rediscover how to heal itself. Homeopathy combats chronic health issues including recurring ear infections, asthma, coughs, and more.

Cilla has a PhD in homeopathy, which she pursued after her one year-old daughter became ill with aseptic meningitis. She is the Director of Worldwide Choice and is a strong advocate for health care options.

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Aug 1, 2016

In her twenties, Razi Berry was suffering from fibromyalgia, fatigue, and pain. Her doctors told her that she should go on medication and disability for the rest of her life. Unwilling to accept their prognosis, Razi became her own "health detective." She began exploring alternatives and came upon naturopathic therapies that have helped restore her to full health today. She had fertility issues, hair loss, and more. Now, she enjoys good health and vitality. She is the host of a podcast, homeschools her two young daughters and oversees the award-winning journal, "The Naturopathic Doctor News & Review."

Naturally, Razi is a proponent of organic, whole foods over fad diets. Her heart's desire is to empower people to take charge of their health and discover the vibrant health they were intended to enjoy.

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Jun 28, 2016

Dickson Ole Gisa, a leader in his Maasai village, contacted the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) in 2014, saying, "Please send someone over. We're all getting sick!" Dickson had found out about the principles of the foundation and the Wise Traditions diet, and they really resonated with him and his community's experience. 

WAPF did send leaders to his village in Matapato, Kenya, in 2015 and, in partnership with Dickson, began spreading the word about the link between good nutrition and overall health. 

In today's fascinating conversation, Dickson recounts his childhood dietary habits and where his people are today. He talks about the allure of "foreign foods" and the corresponding rise in the incidences of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases heretofore unknown by his village. 

Dickson's community in Oiti is taking steps to return to their traditional diet. This episode may inspire you to follow ancestral food ways, as well.

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Jun 27, 2016

Confused by fat? One minute we're told to stay away from it; the next, we're told to embrace it. What's best? Chris Masterjohn demystifies the matter in today's discussion. Chris has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and is an assistant professor at Brooklyn College in New York. He explains in detail fat's function in our bodies and how we should approach including it in our diet. He explains the need to take into account our genetics, our constitution, our ancestry, and even our careers, as we tweak our diets to find our "sweet spot." 

He touches on some heady stuff: cholesterol levels, the LDL/HDL ratio, and the difference between saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats. He also points out which foods contain what kind of fat. Along the way, he helps us move from fear of fat to a place of understanding and freedom. "Fear is disempowering," says Chris. Fat has an important role to play in our bodies and embracing it is a step in the right direction, a step toward good health.

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Jun 20, 2016

Vicki Braun has over 30 years of experience helping couples understand and enhance their mutual fertility. She has a background in the sciences--a B.S. in biology and chemistry and an M.S. in microbiology--so she is well-equipped to understand female hormonal physiology and is able to problem-solve issues related to fertility cycles.

Vicki has seen many concerns over the years, ranging from irregular menstrual cycles to PCOS, endometriosis, and fertility issues. She has seen many women and men turn things around through dietary and lifestyle changes. A certified GAPS practitioner, she offers help in correcting hormonal and gut flora imbalances that can negatively affect fertility and overall health. She warns against the long-term use of birth control pills and she also points to toxicity as damaging to the reproductive system. 

Plain spoken and direct, Vicki offers practical tools for those who wish to better understand their own bodies' cycles and improve their fertility.

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Jun 13, 2016

Physical therapist Sandra Van Gilder dispels myths related to our sleep and exercise habits in this episode. She explains how our hormone function can be disrupted (or improved) by our patterns. She gets into the science behind the brain fog that makes it difficult to think clearly when we are sleep-deprived and she has suggestions about how to combat that issue. She also has ideas about how to move smarter/differently to avoid joint stress. She knows what she's talking about because she herself once struggled with vestibular migraines and she found that proper nutrition and adequate sleep were sufficient therapies to make them go away. And as a young woman in her twenties, Sandra had also endured back pain, sciatica, and joint pain that limited her ability to pursue her hobby of running. It became so serious that she could hardly run around the track one time. Now Sandra runs without pain, thanks to her "whole body" approach to movement. Today you will learn from her how to establish good sleep and movement patterns that can help you live and move, unhindered.

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Jun 6, 2016

Biological dentist Felix Liao is building on the work of Dr. Weston A. Price. He is convinced that oral health is tied to our overall health, and he understands the pivotal role of nutrient-dense foods in the diet. In this informative and entertaining episode, Dr. Felix touches on common issues like snoring, sleep apnea, teeth grinding and clenching and explains how these can be addressed holistically. He is particularly concerned about the condition that he describes as “six-foot tiger/three-foot den.” This occurs when the tongue does not have enough room to be in its proper position in the mouth. When this is the case, the tongue blocks the airway compromising our oxygen intake, and negatively impacting our health and sleep.

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May 30, 2016

Dr. Ann Childers had a health crisis that made her examine the role of nutrition in physical and mental health. Soon she began applying her new-found information in her practice. She began emphasizing a nutrient-dense diet and sufficient sleep for the children and adolescents in her care. She soon noted that many experienced relief and healing from all types of conditions including: anxiety, ADD, trouble concentrating, poor behavior, digestive issues, Type II diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Even those suffering from emotional or mental issues like depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm were improving with this simple, straightforward protocol. Children, adolescents, and adults alike will benefit from Ann's approach and advice in today's episode.


May 23, 2016

As President and Founder of the Raw Milk Institute, Mark McAfee has lectured on the subject of raw milk all over the United States. A consummate educator, Mark elucidates its benefits, even as he addresses the risks associated with it. His mission is to stem the influence of what he calls the "fear campaign that is steering us over the sterilized food cliff." Raw milk is a living food with properties that help us avoid chronic illnesses such as Krohn's, and can build our immune system so as to avoid illnesses that necessitate prescription drugs and costly surgeries. Mark makes his case with facts and passion. Mark emphasizes the health-enhancing properties of raw milk, and advocates for it to be safely produced and distributed widely.  

May 16, 2016

Stress, autoimmune diseases, obesity. These modern epidemics were not a part of the paleolithic landscape, but they certainly plague us now. Chris Kresser, author of "The Paleo Cure" and functional medicine practitioner, recommends that we look back to the wisdom of our ancestors to experience vibrant health today. In this episode, he tells us his story: how a health crisis precipitated his interest in nutrition and medicine, and how the Weston A. Price Foundation played a part in his journey back to health. Chris emphasizes how geography and genetics play a role in determining our diet and he touches on the pivotal role of fats and the need to decrease or manage our stress. 

May 9, 2016

All traditional cultures consume some sort of animal food:fish and shellfish, land and water fowl, land and sea mammals, eggs, milk and milk products reptiles, and insects. Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains why this is principle #2 of the Wise Traditions diet. She goes into detail about what nutrients are bio-available in animal products and why many traditional cultures considered these foods to be "sacred." She also addresses what to do if you have trouble digesting meat or if you prefer not to eat meat altogether. If you want to regain or maintain your health, Sally has some very practical suggestions about how to incorporate this principle into your current diet.

May 2, 2016

For Richard Morris, walking to work was a struggle akin to hiking Mount Everest. Weighing over 400 pounds made most of life difficult and burdensome. His wife and daughters also had an unhealthy lifestyle. Hear about his turning point which led him to turn his back on processed food. Now, he cooks, takes regular walks with his wife, and even competes in obstacle races. Embracing whole, real foods has led Richard and his family to a much healthier and happier life. 

Apr 25, 2016

Of the twelve characteristics or markers of autism, Tressie’s young son had 11 of them. Behavioral therapy is recommended as the treatment of choice for autistic children. But Tressie wanted her son to be able to do more than simply sit still in school and communicate basic needs (the hoped-for outcome of the therapy). So she researched other options. She found a protocol that has moved her son from a diagnosis of low-functioning autism to where he is today: he has lost his diagnosis. Tressie is now an advocate of nutrient-dense food and a protocol to treat metal and mercury toxicity. She is not big on speculating about the causes of autism but she IS big on finding ways to beat the disorder. Tressie has studied holistic nutrition and environmental health, and is the author of “Fight autism and win.”

Apr 18, 2016

Joel Salatin is the renowned farmer of Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Today's episode centers around the concept behind Joel's upcoming book "The marvelous pigness of pigs." You'll learn more about what sets Polyface apart from countless conventional farms. Joel's heart is central to his approach to the animals and the land. His ethics and faith imbue in him a desire to honor and celebrate the uniqueness of each animal he raises. He respects the pigness of pigs, the cowness of cows, and so on. He challenges us to look at our choices through that same ethical paradigm and to opt out of the industrial food complex: for our health, the good of the land, and the nurturing of the animals under our care.

Apr 11, 2016

Are you willing to take a closer look at the vaccine issue? Where does the truth lie? The media tells us that anyone who questions the efficacy of vaccines is anti-science. In fact, there are "hundreds and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies [which] document the problems with vaccines, and yet these are not being acknowledged," says our guest Leslie Manookian. In today's episode, she explores the reasons for the cover-up. She also delves into studies that show the link between vaccines and myriad illnesses such as autism, cancer, seizures, auto-immune disease, behavioral problems, speech delays, and much more. But there is no need to despair. Backed by promising studies, Leslie presents some sound alternatives to vaccinations.

Leslie is the writer and producer of the award-winning documentary "The Greater Good." She encourages everyone to look into this issue carefully, as current vaccination schedules may be jeopardizing our health. Leslie says, “We have essentially swapped the short-term suppression of disease for the prospect of very expensive, very debilitating life-time chronic disease.” 

Apr 4, 2016

Don't vaccines keep us healthy and disease-free? Aren't they the greatest invention of mankind? Many of us, including Leslie Manookian, once held these beliefs. In this episode, Leslie brings to light facts found in scientific studies, books, and other resources that persuaded her to reconsider her thinking on the matter. This episode is dedicated to educating ourselves on this topic that is so very critical to our health and the health of our loved ones.

Today, Leslie gives us a "peek behind the veil" of the vaccine industry. There, we discover more machinations than we may have ever imagined. She explores the purpose behind the the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Law of 1986, a law passed to protect vaccine manufacturers from liability from lawsuits. She clearly articulates the preponderance of evidence (much of it recognized by the government) that demonstrates a link between vaccinations and chronic illnesses ranging from asthma, allergies, and joint pain, to the more serious, like cognitive issues, autism, and even death. 

Leslie Manookian is a successful Wall Street business executive turned award-winning filmmaker. She conceived, wrote and produced the “The Greater Good” a documentary exploring vaccines. She is a board member and a chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation. She is a qualified homeopath and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, a BA from Middlebury College, and M.L.C.Hom from Lakeland College of Homeopathy.

Mar 28, 2016

Jesse Straight is a local farmer and father of five young children. A few years back, he never would have imagined the life he leads today. As a student at the University of Virginia, Jesse was on a religious studies and pre-med track. Hear what changed the direction of his life and sparked his passion for farming--and not just any farming but sustainable farming. All of the animals at Whiffletree Farm are regularly moved to fresh pasture, receive no GMO feed, antibiotics, chemical wormers or hormones. No chemicals are used on the land, either. Jesse loves his work and wants all people to find joy and health in good food raised with integrity, on a small scale.

Mar 21, 2016

Whether you are just beginning to garden or whether you have had a green thumb for a while, you will glean much from today's episode with Celeste Longacre. Celeste is an author, speaker, blogger, and gardener extraordinaire. She's been gardening (and canning, freezing, drying, and fermenting) vegetables for over 35 years! Hear her describe her process, step-by-step. Learn about the importance of soil testing to optimize the nutrient content of your harvest! You'll love Celeste's down-to-earth style. And you'll learn from her what it means to live sustainably and simply.

Mar 14, 2016

The healthiest, most robust, vibrant, fertile peoples around the world have no refined or denatured foods in their diets. Nothing important was taken out, nor were foods unnaturally processed or changed. Dr. Weston A. Price studied people groups all around the world and found that this was one element that all of their diets had in common. This is why it is Principle #1 of 11 principles of healthy diets based on Dr. Price's findings and the continued research of the foundation. 

Sally Fallon Morell explains why whole, real foods, processed in traditional ways, are so critical for health. She touches on how modern processes make the nutrients in foods less available, while traditional processes improve the quality of our food and make the vitamins and minerals more accessible. She emphasizes the importance of getting our fats right, and of avoiding refined sweeteners and additives. Listen and learn how these simple, practical steps can bring about improved health and weight loss. 


Mar 6, 2016

Kombucha is the fermented tea that is sweeping the nation! This bubbly, effervescent drink is popular because it is chock-full of enzymes, acids, and probiotics...and, quite simply, because it tastes so good! Hannah Crum, fondly known as the "Kombucha Mamma" enlightens all of us with her understanding of the drink. In today's discussion, she touts its many health benefits including improving digestion, liver detoxification, and more. For over ten years, Hannah has been brewing it herself, and through her site she has mentored over 100,000 home brewers. Not sure what to make of it all, or how to make it yourself? Check out her "Big Book of Kombucha," released just this week. It contains over 400 recipes, in addition to a history and research section, highlighting 150 years of scientific study of this fizzy, vinegar-y drink! If you haven't been swept up by this craze just yet, you certainly will be by the time you're done listening to today's episode!

Feb 29, 2016

Are you a yo-yo dieter? Uptight or super careful about "clean" eating? Wherever you're coming from, nutritionist Adrienne Hew has a word for you! Adrienne has a fun, light-hearted approach to life...and to food! In France, as a young woman, she learned to slow down and get the most out of every meal. Adrienne, a podcaster and author, is known as the "Nutrition Heretic." After listening to this episode, you'll understand why. You may not agree with everything she says on the program, but you most certainly will be entertained! And you just may be inspired to approach food differently.

Feb 22, 2016

Have you heard about raw milk? Some say it's dangerous but others say it's an amazing food. Charlotte Smith falls into the latter camp. Listen to her story which led her from being a mother of children suffering with eczema to a mother who decided to start her own micro-dairy to sell raw milk to her community. Charlotte (whose children are now well) also has started a marketing course to help other farmers make a living selling raw milk. She is that passionate about raw milk's healing properties! Are you suffering from eczema? Allergies? Asthma? Diverticulitis? Listen closely. Perhaps you will adopt Charlotte's point of view, that food can indeed be our medicine!

Feb 15, 2016

Confused about nutrition? This podcast episode is a great place to get a handle on an approach to eating that is sensible and satisfying, with no need for deprivation or fad dieting. In today's discussion, Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains how eating whole, real, natural foods, as our ancestors did, will nourish us in body and soul. She points to principles based on Dr. Price's research of traditional diets around the world. We can enjoy the same nutrient-dense food that they did, back then. And our bodies will reap the benefit of nourishment and good health.

Feb 8, 2016

Alternative farmer Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms is well-known for his commitment to raising the best food---food that is nutrient-dense, wholesome, organic, and natural; in short, food that is good for people and the planet! In today's episode, Joel addresses some common concerns related to real food. Where can we get it? Why is it so expensive? And is eating meat bad for the environment, as some claim? Joel tackles these issues one by one in his inimitable insightful and down-to-earth manner. A compelling speaker and author, Joel has had a huge impact on this generation's understanding of food and farming. After listening to this interview, you'll understand why this is so.

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