Rather than providing a “one size fits all” approach to wellness, Oriental Medicine recognizes that each of us has a unique constitution.This Eastern practice dates back at least 3000 years, but its teachings are just as relevant and powerful today as ever.
Acupuncturist Cheryl Harris discusses the benefits of acupressure (and acupuncture) on some of her youngest patients. She discusses its efficacy as "preventative maintenance medicine," grounding the children emotionally and shoring them up physically. You will even get to hear from some of the children she works with on the show!
Cheryl knows what she's talking about! She has a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and she is also certified in Five-Element Acupuncture. She speaks to how the five elements--wood, fire, earth, metal, and water--appear in nature and in our own temperaments.
You will find this to be a fascinating conversation that calls us all back to live in tune with nature and our own nature. Cheryl reminds us how beautiful and simple the journey to good health can be.
Visit westonaprice.org for the show notes for this episode.
Many conservation groups hold a piece of the puzzle when it comes to saving our planet. They focus on saving a particular species or on planting trees. Sarah Savory suggests that we must step back and look at the big picture for a more cohesive approach to regenerate the land. And the land is indeed key, because if it becomes infertile, there will be nothing for the animals to eat, and they will indeed become extinct, despite our best efforts.
Sarah Savory is a children's book author and conservation advocate (and, yes, the daughter of famed wildlife biologist Allan Savory) who knows how to explain in simple terms what is happening to our planet. She is a proponent of holistic management, an approach to greening the earth by properly managing livestock...and our own choices. Sarah invites us to examine how we are living and either contributing to, or alleviating, the issues that lead to desertification.
Sarah discusses the challenges she sees in Zimbabwe, her native country, and those that are common all over the world. She describes what led her to write children's books on the topic of conservation. You will be moved by her clarity, conviction, and call to action.
Learn more about Sarah and her books at sarahsavory.com.
Do you eat all the right foods but still struggle with health concerns? Do you feel like your health recovery is characterized by forward progress, followed by inevitable setbacks? Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan explains in detail what he believes is the “ground zero” of most health disorders: a weakened mucosa layer between the skin and the cellular lining. When the mucosa layer is defective, it becomes permeable, allowing toxins into our system that wreak havoc with our health. And some of these toxins are found even in the very food we eat!
When our bodies are invaded in this way, it naturally elicits an inflammatory response. And inflammation, as we know, is associated with autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. From his studies, Kiran is convinced that many conditions that present quite differently—such as heart disease, arthritis, Hashimoto’s and Alzheimer’s, for example—stem from the root issue of a weak mucosa layer.
In today’s episode, Kiran reveals not only the problem but the solution: how to strengthen our body’s defense systems by increasing microbial activity in the mucosa layer. This episode is a great resource for anyone who has an inflammatory condition or knows someone who is struggling with one!
For more resources, visit our website: westonaprice.org
Over 15 years ago, physician Terry Wahls was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. Being a doctor, she dove into the scientific literature looking for a cure to this progressive disease. Though she got the best conventional medicine had to offer, her health declined to such a degree that three years later even a strong breeze could cause her sensitive body pain.
After much research, she came to the conclusion that, rather than taking supplements, she should identify the foods where the nutrients could be found. It wasn’t long before real food had turned her health around. Now, she is an author and researcher that advocates the power of real food in recovery from multiple sclerosis and a host of other conditions—including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune conditions, scleroderma, mental health concerns, neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar issues, Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, and even primary care problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
“Our cells are starved for the building blocks we need,” she says. She is convinced that real food is the answer to improve our health and give our bodies a chance to detox and thrive.
For more on Terry’s story and protocol, visit terrywahls.com.
And for detailed highlights of today’s episode, visit the podcast page of westonaprice.org.
What can we do to help those in food deserts? How can we address food insecurity and inequality? Pam Hess, the Executive director of Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, discusses what we can do as individuals and organizations to make whole, real foods available in cities and rural areas where choices are limited.
She discusses the mission of Arcadia: growing food and farmers, creating demand, and making fresh food accessible to low-income families. Their mobile market service brings fruits, vegetables, eggs, and grass-fed meats to under-served communities. By accepting food stamps and providing vouchers, Arcadia gives people the opportunity to nourish themselves well for improved health and a more positive future. Their model is holistic and replicable. You will be inspired to help reduce barriers to healthy food and to work for food justice.
Learn more about Arcadia's work in D.C. at arcadiafood.org.
For this episode's highlights, go to the podcast page at westonaprice.org.
Why is fast food cheap while real, organic food is so expensive? Why are there “food deserts” not only in cities, but in rural areas around the country? How did the invention of the automobile and the grocery cart affect our food-buying habits? Pam Hess, the Executive Director of Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, explains our broken food system and how it has set the stage for our current health crisis.
All of us should have the choice to purchase nutritious real food where we live, but many cannot. Pam has a firm grasp on the history of our nation that has led us to this point. There are political and economic forces that affect the availability of food in our neighborhoods. She touches on the impact of WWII, the Cold War, crop subsidies, and the free market.
Pam has solid ideas about where we are and what we need to do to remedy the situation. You will get the big picture of what has led our nation to this point---why real food is in short supply and how this negatively impacts our health.
Learn about her center at arcadiafood.org.
For more extensive show highlights, go to the podcast page of westonaprice.org.
Do you feel like you're often on the run? Does the idea of improving your diet (or your family's diet) overwhelm you? Susana Hill and Leslie Schall can help! They are young moms who have been on the same treadmill many of us are on and they've got simple ideas that can help us transition to the Wise Traditions (real food) diet.
They share a bit of their own story today, and how they themselves were able to transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle. They share ideas that will help us avoid guilt, help us take our time in making changes, and making sure the changes in our eating patterns stick. In fact, Susana and Leslie are so good at helping others in this area that they've established The Wellworks Project for companies and individuals to discover ways to eat better that, well, work!
Leslie and Susana are big fans of the Wise Traditions diet! But they readily admit how overwhelming it can all seem at first when you are transitioning from fast food to real food. If you want a solid place to start to make the switch, listen now and please share this episode so that others can do the same. You will all gain insight and encouragement that you can immediately apply to your own busy life.
Learn more about The Wellworks Project here.
And find out about the Wise Traditions diet at westonaprice.org.
“Eat your veggies!” We’ve heard this over and over and today we learn more about the “why” behind the charge! Author and holistic physician Dr. Tom Cowan refers to vegetables as our vitamin pills. They’re not primarily for calories or protein in our diet. We need their disease-fighting properties: the phytonutrients, the antioxidants, the minerals and vitamins that they offer! Vegetables help protect us against cancer, stroke, arthritis, diabetes, and more.
Did you know that some indigenous groups thrived eating 10-15 different vegetables a day? And over 100 in a year? Tom recommends that we follow their example by diversifying the vegetables on our plates. He also explains why vegetables should complement, but not replace, fats and proteins in the diet.
Eating more vegetables might seem like a chore. Tom admits that he used to spend a lot of time chopping and preparing veggies but not anymore. In today's episode, he reveals how he manages to eat plenty of vegetables without spending all of his time in the kitchen. You will certainly be inspired by all of the helpful information he shares about the critical role vegetables play in our overall health and you will discover practical tips for introducing a greater variety into your own diet.
Learn more about the vegetable powders he prepares here: drcowansgarden.com.
Or visit our website westonaprice.org to find articles and other resources on the subject.
Is fasting good for you? How should your diet change as you age? What's the best way to lose unwanted pounds? Why do "diet dictocrats" still insist we eat a low-fat diet, when the science points in a different direction? In today's conversation with Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, we touch on all of these topics.
It is a "best of" bonus episode, featuring excerpts from articles in the Wise Traditions spring journal. You'll learn why nothing is off the table on the Wise Traditions diet. You'll hear about the misguided advice given to diabetic children and adults. You'll gain insight from Dr. Cowan's suggestions on balancing calorie intake and activity level. And, finally, you'll be shocked by some myth-busting related to the "Blue Zones" take on the traditional diets of Costa Ricans.
There are nutrition and wellness hacks in every segment of this episode. Listen closely and you will be the better for it!
Learn more about all of the above at westonaprice.org.
Toxins in our food and in our environment are wreaking havoc on our health. In today's episode, Zen Honeycutt, the founder of Moms Across America, describes the most common toxins, what they do to us, and how to protect ourselves against them.
She goes into particular detail about the chemicals used in conventional agriculture and how they disrupt our gut health and the endocrine system. All of us are negatively impacted by toxins, of course, but Zen also explains how children are especially vulnerable to their effects.
Zen talks about how her mission to help people ease their toxic burden began with the desire to see her son overcome a life-threatening nut allergy. She made a bold promise to help him get better, which she was able to keep primarily by reducing his exposure to GMOs and pesticides.
Eliminating toxins from our diets is a great start for our own health. It's also critical to take steps to achieve change on a greater level. Zen brings up current events including a growing case against Azure Organic Farm in Oregon. She emphasizes that in our communities, our cities, and on our farms, we must advocate for what is best for all of us. Zen will inspire you with stories of her own family’s fight for health and her call to action for a better future for all of us.
Learn more about Zen and her mission at momsacrossamerica.com.
Or simply visit westonaprice.org and look for the show notes for episode 77.
Childbirth is unpredictable, wild, and primal. We have "modernized" childbirth, making it clinical, sterilized, and on a timetable. Genevieve Howland, a/k/a Mama Natural, recognizes that pregnancy and birth are normal, and that having a baby is a wondrous biological process and rite of passage—not a medical condition.
In that light, Genevieve discusses how to prepare for a more natural childbirth experience and how to "naturalize" a c-section. Her goal is to educate mothers and fathers about their options during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. She covers everything from nutrition choices that aid in labor and delivery, steps to take to avoid "the cascade" of medical interventions, and the importance of skin-to-skin contact immediately after baby is born.
Genevieve offers tremendous insights on pregnancy and childbirth throughout the entire episode. It is beautiful to recognize that wise traditions apply to food and nutrition, of course, and also to childbirth.
Check out mamanatural.com for resources and videos. Or simply visit our website, westonaprice.org, for the episode show notes.
Some of us eat low-fat diets. Others eat high-protein/low-carb. But very few of us eat high-fat diets. All of the healthy people groups that Dr. Weston A. Price studied ate diets higher in fat than those we eat today. This is one reason that in today's conversation, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, suggests that we all could benefit from upping our fat intake.
More fat in our diet? Why? And how much should we be eating? What is a healthy fat, anyway? And are animal fats even necessary? Sally meticulously answers all of these questions and more, as she dives into Principle #7 of the Wise Traditions diet.
She explains in detail the role of fats in biochemical body processes and the role fat played in traditional diets. She makes a compelling case for animal fats, in particular, since the body requires arachidonic acid to function properly and this omega-6 fatty acid is found only in animal fats.
After listening to this episode, you will be prepared to challenge the diet dictocrats, and you will probably also be craving a hearty serving of butter, which you may enjoy guilt-free.
Learn more about the Wise Traditions dietary principles at westonaprice.org.
Health care today is often, in reality, "sick care." We turn to medical professionals for the treatment and management of sickness and disease. Farmer Doug Flack is an activist who suggests a very different approach. He believes we should turn to the land to cultivate optimal health. He is convinced that we must develop healthy soil for healthy people. For this reason he asserts that the farm should be our primary health provider.
He has spent years investigating and developing his approach to wellness. His studies have led him to the conclusion that industrialized farming and industrial food products are the reason for the lack of wellness in our modern society. Now, Doug spends his time cultivating the land, producing nutrient-dense foods, and advocating for farmers' rights and consumers' health in Vermont and around the nation and the world.
In today's conversation, Doug explains why healthy soils are critical for our health and our future. While conventional farmers strip the soil of nutrients and rely on chemical inputs, Doug enhances soil function and fertility organically. And, of course, food raised on such land is an important part of a truly healthy diet. This episode not only encourages us to nourish ourselves with these staples, but it also reminds us that, in doing so, we are supporting soil fertility and soil champions like Doug Flack.
Visit his website for more info at flackfamilyfarm.com.
And to see the full show notes for this episode, visit westonaprice.org.
Do you crave sodas? You're in luck! You can drink "the original sodas" when you add naturally fizzy fermented drinks to your diet! They are more hydrating, and re-mineralizing than plain water. And they have numerous health benefits: they can aid digestion, circulation, improve health concerns, and even clear up skin issues.
Hannah Crum, the author of "The Big Book of Kombucha," is a fermented drink expert. Today, she discusses a wide variety of fermented drinks: from kefir to kvass, to ginger beer, and more. She dives into the history of these drinks, how to make them, and how they can benefit your body. Hannah stresses the importance of "drinking your bugs" for upping the bacterial diversity of your microbiome. Such diversity is critical for strengthening the immune system, detoxing, boosting energy and more! The result? A strengthened, healthy, and resilient body.
Learn more at her website: kombuchakamp.com or at westonaprice.org.
One in six children in the U.S. has a developmental disability; one in four is medicated; one in 48 has autism. (This means that approximately every 7 minutes, a child is diagnosed with autism.)
All of these statistics are alarming, so what can we do to stem the tide? The West Virginians for Health Freedom are an advocacy group that are stepping into the fray and fighting for informed consent, parental rights, and religious and medical exemptions to vaccinations. In West Virginia, children are required to have 24 doses of vaccinations prior to kindergarten. And exemptions are hard to come by.
Today you will hear from five remarkable women who are involved in this group: Chanda Adkins, a pharmacist; Afsaneh Faerber, an attorney; Holly Garrison, a chiropractor; Lori Jones, a certified natural health professional; and Elizabeth Murphy, the co-founder of West Virginians for Health Freedom. Each has a story to tell related to vaccine-injury that has motivated them to get involved in this field.
These women are well-informed with stats specific to the nation and their state, in particular. They will inspire you with their determination and efforts in this endeavor. If you are uncertain about why there is a growing public outcry against vaccinations, you will find yourself moved by their questions and arguments in favor of the individual's right to refuse a vaccination for themselves or their children. And you will certainly want to roll up your sleeves and get involved in this effort for the sake of future generations.
Learn more at West Virginians for Health Freedom!
Listen to Del Bigtree of "Vaxxed" talk about the CDC coverup.
Visit westonaprice.org for more information.
Many of us want to care for our bodies, our families, our community. Tré Cates of the Savory Institute challenges us to consider how our individual choices impact the whole world! Living holistically means looking at the big picture and considering how every choice---from where we choose to live, to the clothing we buy, to the food we eat---can move us closer to our life goals and help the earth at the same time.
This interview took place at the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe, a Savory Institute hub. It is a learning center that encourages people from around the world to learn to work the land in a sustainable, regenerative manner. There, Tré tells story after story about the land's restoration under proper management.
This episode can help us get a better handle on managing our own lives properly. As Tré explains the holistic principles of the Savory Institute, he reminds us of our own responsibility to live sustainably. The work of the Savory Institute sheds light on the importance of cooperative, respectful, holistic attitudes that can help all of us make choices that go "beyond organic" for better health and a better world!
Learn more at Savory Institute. And find more show notes at westonaprice.org.
Alzheimer’s disease seems to strike indiscriminately and those receiving the diagnosis have little reason for optimism. Conventional medicine offers medication that is designed to slow the pace of cognitive decline but seems to lack efficacy. For her new book, “The Alzheimer’s Antidote,” certified nutrition specialist Amy Berger has synthesized medical research to shed light on new options that offer relief and hope to those who suffer with Alzheimer’s and to their caregivers.
In today’s conversation, Amy reveals that impaired glucose metabolism and insulin signaling are at the root of the disease. This is why some call Alzheimer’s “Type 3” diabetes. The brain is starving for fuel, in effect. Part of the solution includes giving the brain an alternate fuel source: ketones (which are found in coconut and MCT oils, for example).
This episode enumerates practical steps for those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, those who hope to avoid the disease in the future, and even those who simply want to sharpen their own cognitive functions.
Check out Amy's website: tuitnutrition.com
Visit our website: westonaprice.org
We are not alone! Did you know that we are 10 times more bacteria than we are human? The bacteria that live in (and on us) play a significant role in how our body responds to stress, food, and our environment. In today's episode, microbiologist Kiran Krishnan helps us gain a clearer understanding of the human microbiome and how it relates to our overall health.
Many health conditions--including skin issues like psoriasis and eczema to diabetes and Chron's disease, to candida, yeast issues, and even arthritis and cancer--can stem from an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Kiran explains why popping a probiotic pill is not the solution and he offers refreshingly different suggestions for what to do to improve the health and strength of your own microbiome.
Visit his website: microbiomelabs.com
Check out our website for more resources & podcasts: westonaprice.org
The Food and Drug Administration is considering changing the "use of the term 'healthy' in the labeling of human food products." At a recent public hearing on this topic, registered dietician Pam Schoenfeld attended and spoke, representing both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the American public. Her purpose was to remind the FDA (and all in attendance) that there are many foods right now that would not qualify as "healthy" under current (and perhaps future) labeling practice. And yet, these foods offer important nutrients that are under-represented in the diet of most Americans.
In today's episode, Pam discusses exactly what she was planning on saying at the hearing, and why. She is passionate about educating the public, and public officials, about the benefits of traditional, whole, real foods. Pam, herself, came to the Wise Traditions diet later in life, and she wishes she had known many years ago what she now knows.
She touches on the vitamins and minerals that are critical to our well-being--including choline and vitamin A. She talks about nutrient-density and how these foods offer what we need most. She also addresses why it's so important for us to keep advocating for real health foods (found in real food, of course) and she concludes with specific instructions for how to add your voice to this health-saving and life-critical discussion.
Visit our website: westonaprice.org
We have often heard it said that water is critical for our health, but Dr. Gerald Pollack adds a surprising twist to that familiar conversation. Water has long been considered to have only three phases: liquid, solid, or gas. Jerry and his colleagues have been studying a fourth phase of water, as it appears in our bodies, called EZ or "exclusion zone" water. Jerry has written a whole book about this subject entitled "The Fourth Phase of Water." In it, and in today's conversation, he explains how our overall health is tied to the level and charge of EZ water in our bodies.
He discusses the properties of EZ water and the importance of its negative charge. He makes a case for maintaining and building on the EZ water by tapping into the negative energy all around us. Jerry recommends simple steps to do this including "grounding" (getting our bare feet in contact with the earth), spending time in an infrared sauna, getting more oxygen, drinking spring water, and taking aspirin regularly. It's a fascinating conversation with some fresh ideas on how to maintain and improve our health, naturally.
Visit our website: westonaprice.org
Leah McCullough was in pain, discouraged, and exhausted. She had spent the last six years of her illness in bed for 12-16 hours a day. She had tried over 50 medications with no positive results. Fibromyalgia seemed like a life sentence for Leah. She is one of 5 million sufferers in the U.S. (It is the most common musculoskeletal condition after osteoarthritis).
Through her journey, Leah learned that susceptibility to disease comes from a variety of factors: toxins in our environment, damaged digestive systems, vaccinations, antibiotics, poor nutrition, our genetic makeup and even our outlook and attitudes.
Leah was determined to turn things around. Healing began with meditation and prayer. It continued through adopting the Wise Traditions diet, addressing her leaky gut, and assisting her body with detoxification. She now reaches out to help others diagnosed with fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases. The story of how she regained her health will inspire you to make changes of your own!
Visit Leah's website: unconventionaltraditional.com
Check out our website for more resources: westonaprice.org
There's a lot of confusion around what constitutes a healthy fat. In today's episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, makes a solid case for including animal fats in our diet, based on her book “Nourishing fats: why we need animal fats for health and happiness.” For decades, animal fats and saturated fats have been maligned as unhealthy, but the evidence points in the opposite direction.
It's time to unlearn the propaganda and become reacquainted with the happy, healthy truth. Saturated fats have an important role to play in our physical and emotional wellness. Sally tells the history of when & why companies began pushing their pseudo oils and fats. And she then gives the science behind why animal fats are so beneficial--how they have been found to be protective against cancer, and provide vitamins A, D, and K that are essential for proper neurological function and emotional well-being, for example.
You will hear specifics about how and why butter, lard and tallow can all be embraced as part of your daily diet. Once you do so, you and your family will be all the healthier (and happier) for it!
Visit our website: westonaprice.org
Vaccines in the United States are required at birth, for daycare, school and college enrollment, for military members, foreign adoptions and more. Why the big push to vaccinate ourselves and our children? Learn about the influences that affect our vaccination policies and about your rights related to vaccinations.
Alan Phillips, the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, speaks with authority about what shapes the vaccine industry and how it has become corrupted by money and power. He is convinced that vaccine policy law is “really a pharmaceutical marketing policy much more than it is a genuine health policy.” And he cites legal evidence to make his case. Consequently, his life’s mission is to help individuals understand their rights to obtain vaccine exemptions and waivers. Thanks to today’s conversation, you will better understand the big picture and be equipped to make a more informed decision about how to proceed when it comes to the vaccination issue and safeguarding your family’s health.
Visit our website for more resources: westonaprice.org
Processed foods, prescription medicines, sugar, toxins in and around us--these are feeding the bad bacteria in our gut and compromising our gut health, and consequently our overall health. Certified holistic health counselor Hilary Boynton discusses how to address a leaky gut and reverse the trend of deteriorating health.
She knows what she's talking about since she and her family have faced many health challenges of their own, including eczema, epilepsy, infertility, and cancer. You will be riveted by her story and encouraged by the practical steps she gives for approaching the well-known GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) diet to heal the gut.
Hear Hilary recount how her family got started on the GAPS diet and how they have benefited from it. Her son, who at two years of age couldn't speak and who was on the autistic spectrum, is now her "smartest kid," reading and writing at grade level. For other children, speech delays disappeared and skin issues resolved. Her daughter had fewer epileptic seizures. Her husband lost weight.
As the author of the "Heal your gut cookbook," Hilary has heard from many whose lives have also benefited from the GAPS diet and a new emphasis on real food for lasting health.
Visit Hilary's website: liveyumyum.com
For more resources, visit our website: westonaprice.org
Daphne Olivier has a genetic pre-disposition to diabetes. Since she doesn’t have it (yet), she is doing all that is within her power to keep it that way. But she is not keeping her secrets to herself. She is a dietician and a certified diabetes educator who can help all of us understand it better, learn how to manage it with real food, and discover how to avoid it altogether, as she has done.
Daphne has a private nutrition practice in Louisiana where she has seen it all! She works with people with varying degrees of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, types 1 and 2 diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. In today's episode, she discusses strategies to recover health, including getting adequate sleep, avoiding stress, and eating less processed food.
Daphne's private practice is called "My Food Coach" and in today's show, she coaches all of us to adopt the "best lifestyle" to maintain and regain our health.
Visit Daphne's website: theunconlventionaldietician.com
For more resources, visit: westonaprice.org