
Wise Traditions

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.
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Now displaying: 2017
Dec 25, 2017

Learn how to avoid blood sugar dips and spikes throughout the day. Discover how you can lift brain fog and protect yourself against Alzheimer's through diet. And benefit from tips on how to shore up your gut health to avoid chronic illness and improve your immune system.

All of this in just one episode?! Yes! This is a "highlight reel" from the top three episodes of 2017! NTP Lindsea Willon's shares practical tips on how to avoid getting "hangry." Author Amy Berger has sound dietary suggestions for lifting brain fog. And microbiologist Kiran Krishnan gives us hope for better gut health and avoiding chronic disease.

Three-in-one is our year-end gift to you!

Eager to hear more? Click here for each of the original episodes from which this one was compiled:

#88 Get off the sugar rollercoaster w/ Lindsea Willon

#70 The antidote to Alzheimer's w/ Amy Berger

#84 Ground zero of most health disorders w/ Kiran Krishnan

For show notes for this episode, to make a donation, or to access more resources, visit


Dec 18, 2017

Dr. Andy Wakefield was the lead author of a research paper, published in 1998, that indicated that there was a possible link between the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine and autism. The paper appeared in "The Lancet," a peer-reviewed medical journal and it catapulted Dr. Wakefield into becoming one of the most controversial figures in the history of medicine.

Andy has become a lightning rod since that time; he has been called a fraud, a liar, manipulative, greedy, and he has even had his medical license revoked. And yet he refuses to slink quietly away into the night. He remains convinced of the importance of exploring the possible link between gut health, vaccinations, and autism. He is outspoken about what the science indicates, in the midst of serious opposition and persecution. Yet, he is undaunted, and even optimistic about the future of the anti-vax movement.

Today, you will hear Andy's side of the story. This episode will dispel rumors and myths related to the paper, Andy himself, and the continued debate about the vaccine/autism link. 

For more information on the science of vaccines, visit

For the full show notes, go to

And check out our sponsors: Green Pasture and Farm Girl Fresh.


Dec 11, 2017

Vegetarianism and veganism are becoming more and more popular with each passing day. You walk into a bookstore and the cooking section is overflowing with vegan cookbooks; restaurants all around have vegan options because of the high demand. Word of mouth is that we should all go vegan to be truly healthy, and that animal foods are bad for us. But is a vegetarian diet really a good idea? What are its strengths and drawbacks? Is vegetarianism better for the planet? What does science have to say about all of this? And, more importantly, what does nature have to say about it?

In today’s episode, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of “Gut and Psychology Syndrome,” offers a fresh look at vegetarianism. She provides up-to-date scientific information about how plant and animal foods work in the human body and how we can eat to thrive. She dives into a variety of topics including agriculture, soil degradation, the power of plants to detox our bodies, and how to be a healthy vegetarian!

For more on this topic from Dr. Campbell-McBride, visit her website:

For the full show notes, visit

Check out our sponsors: Green Pasture and Farm Girl Fresh.


Dec 4, 2017

"Preventing autism" is such an audacious goal! Is it possible? How can we prevent it if we don't know what causes it? Dara Berger is a mom whose son was diagnosed as autistic before he was three years old. She was told that there was no cure or hope beyond ABA (applied behavior analysis). This was the start of her quest to find answers and help for her child, and to avoid a similar diagnosis for children she hoped to bear, down the line.

There are no simple solutions, Dara readily admits. She has done much research, interviewing a variety of doctors and autism specialists for her book "How to Prevent Autism." She has concluded that autism is in all likelihood a disorder tied to toxic overload. To regain their health and to prevent the condition in future children takes much work.

In today's episode, she gives ideas about where to begin. She touches on: 

  • how dietary changes are critical for the child's health
  • the importance of seeing an integrative health specialist
  • how autism is related to gut health
  • how functional medicine is making huge strides against this disorder by recognizing the volume of factors that lead to an autism diagnosis
  • the genetic mutations that make it difficult for the brain and gut to function properly

Today's episode will give you an idea of how to help a child on the autistic spectrum and even how to "clean out" your own body from its toxic load, so that you may avoid the diagnosis altogether with a subsequent baby. 

For more information on Dara and her book, visit

For highlights from today's episode, go to

And check out our sponsor:


Nov 30, 2017

More and more people are diagnosed with cancer every day, including children. The rates of invasive cancer in the general population in the U.S. (and abroad) are alarming. Those who are diagnosed with it are faced with conventional treatments that seem to ravage the parts of the body that should be relatively healthy.

In today's episode, we focus on nutritional supports for those in the throes of cancer. And for those who are healthy today but want to avoid the disease down the line, we discuss foods that may help keep it at bay.

In this "fall journal highlights" episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation touches on the numerous factors that are damaging our bodies, including 5G technology. She also explores cancer support for children, homeopathy, and even GcMAF, a controversial, anti-cancer food. 

For episode highlights, visit our website and click on the podcast page. Look for the show notes for episode #107. You will also find links to the articles mentioned in today's episode.

Nov 27, 2017

Plant-based and delicious, coconut oil has become more and more popular in recent years. Studies point to its many beneficial properties which include boosting the immune system, decreasing inflammation, fighting heart disease, and more. If this is the case, why did the American Heart Association (AHA) issue a statement earlier this summer re-categorizing coconut oil as a bad fat?

Nutritional therapy practitioner Lindsea Willon discusses what is driving the AHA (hint: food politics is often more about money than our health) and she makes a case for why we can and should embrace coconut oil--and other natural, well-sourced saturated fats--in our diets.

For the full show notes (including a coconut oil reference sheet), visit our website:

And check out our sponsors: Perfect Supplements and Real Milk!



Nov 20, 2017

Although conventional medicine may recommend a low-sodium diet, is this really the best for us? Low salt consumption has been linked to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, poor digestion, parasites, and even depression. Salt is critical for proper brain and body functionality.  

In today's episode, Sally Fallon Morrell presents Principle #9 of the Wise Traditions diet: that all traditional diets contain some salt. She dives deep into the subject and addresses the following and more:

  • what kinds of salts we should be consuming
  • salt's ability to improve satiety
  • salt's role in hormone function, brain development & sleep
  • the concerns about plastic in sea salt
  • the problem with refined salt

You will gain a new appreciation for the role of salt in your diet and how it protects your health.

For more on salt, see articles on our website:

And check out our sponsors: Perfect Supplements and Defender Shield.

Nov 14, 2017

How easily we forget! Raw milk has been part of the human diet for thousands of years, yet only after a century of introducing pasteurization, many people think that the only way to consume milk is to pasteurize it first. Our raw milk heritage is getting lost. But thanks to farmers and activists who believe in the value of raw milk and who are brave enough to fight against the establishment, raw milk is coming back. From being legal in only 27 states in the 1990s, raw milk is now legal in all but 7 states and more people are consuming it every day. 
In today's episode, Pete Kennedy, lawyer and defender of food freedom, explains the history of the raw milk movement, what's left to be done, and what we can do to be a part of it all!

For more on raw milk, visit

For the complete show notes, go to 

And check out our sponsors: and

Nov 6, 2017

In some circles, it seems that sustainable farming is on the rise. Farmers markets are growing more and more popular, and young people are volunteering to work on organic farms. But sales at farmers market are down, overall, and less than 2% of the population is directly responsible for growing our food in the U.S. So what is the truth of the matter: is sustainable, soulful farming here to stay or a pipe dream? It’s critical to our future, so how can we make it work? How do farmers balance making a profit with still being true to their core values: establishing farms that properly care for the land, the animals, and the customers? 

Today we converse with Forrest Pritchard, farmer and author of “Growing Tomorrow: Behind The Scenes With 18 Sustainable Farmers Who Are Changing The Way We Eat.” We discuss the advantages and problems facing farming today, and what can each do to make tomorrow’s farming landscape more promising.

For the full show notes for today's episode, visit

For more on Forrest and his farm, go to

And check out our sponsors and!


Oct 30, 2017

Adventure. Activity. Mindfulness. Community. Risk. Vanessa and Adam Lambert are expert health coaches who understand the need to nourish ourselves on many levels. Adam has a background as a Crossfit Games competitor and Vanessa is a coach with a speciality in meditation.Together, they inspire us to move past complacency and become who we were meant to be: awesome, influential individuals with limitless potential. Good health comes from more than just the food on our plate! 

Today, you'll learn the eight key habits that have helped their clients reach new heights, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Health coaches and professionals will glean insight from the Lamberts' coaching strategies. And every one of us will enjoy the humor, joy, and honesty that this couple brings to the conversation, and to the world of wellness and health, as a whole.

For more on Vanessa and Adam, visit

For the show notes for this episode, visit

Oct 23, 2017

There’s no doubt that we rely heavily in the day-to-day on our devices for entertainment and connection: we seek out wifi, work on our laptops, watch Netflix on our Apple TV, and scroll through Facebook and YouTube on our cellphones right before bed. We like having those phones handy, carrying them in our pant or shirt pocket, or tucking them into our sports bra when going on a run. Maybe we rarely question the safety of these gadgets because we can’t imagine life without them. However, it is clearly time to stop and take notice. 

Today, we examine the consequences to our constant exposure to emissions from technology. What types of radiation are we exposed to? What risks do they pose to our health? And how can we mitigate the damage they might cause? Daniel DeBaun informs us about the dangers of electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) and radio frequencies (RFs). Daniel is an internationally-recognized expert in EMF radiation, EMF shielding, and EMF-related health issues with a special focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Not only does he educate us about the hazards of radiation but he gives us simple tips for minimizing our exposure and protecting our health.

Go to Daniel's website,, to learn more.

For the complete show notes for this episode, visit



Oct 16, 2017

What's the story behind the Weston A. Price Foundation? How did Sally Fallon Morell, the founder and head of the foundation, come across Dr. Price's discoveries? What motivated her to write a cookbook based on his dietary principles? What would she ask Dr. Price if she had the chance? And how has her conception of what constitutes a good diet changed over the years? 

In today's episode, Sally answers the questions that you posed in recent weeks. She tackles, among other topics, how we can improve our diet and strengthen our immune system, how to deal with parasites, and how to best help our children develop strong, healthy bodies.

Sally is a wise, strong, and accomplished woman. You will be inspired by her spirit and gain perspective on what it means to embrace wise traditions.

For more information on the Weston A. Price Foundation, go to

For the complete show notes, with links to resources mentioned, go to

Oct 9, 2017

Farming is a back-breaking, weather-dependent, uncertain profession that often does not turn a profit. No wonder the average farmer in the United States is 58 years old. Not many are interested in farming as a career. Why farm, they might ask themselves, when they could have a nice comfortable job in some air-conditioned office downtown?

Forrest Pritchard is a persuasive proponent of farming. He represents the soul of those who till the soil. He, and many others, are answering the call to farm. They have a heart for providing whole, healthy, nutrient-dense, organic foods for everyone and they want their farms to be places of harmony, peace, and beauty.

Forrest is a best-selling author and the farmer of Smith Meadows in the Shenandoah Valley. Prepare to be captivated by his words and vision. He most definitely puts his heart and soul into the soil.

For more on Forrest, visit his website:

For show notes, visit


Oct 2, 2017

Kristin Canty is the filmmaker behind “Farmageddon: the unseen war on American family farms.” She is proud and pleased at how the documentary has shed light on the dangers of modern industrial farming practices. And yet now her life has taken a new turn; she has shifted from fighting those whose regulations threaten small-scale farms to running a farm herself. She now owns a farm and runs an organic/sustainable/local restaurant in New Hampshire.

You will be inspired by both stages of her life:

  • how she took on the idea of making the movie, ignoring the naysayers 
  • how it had much more success than anticipated
  • the influence of raw milk and traditional dietary practices on her son's health and, subsequently, on her lifestyle
  • the movie's impact on the raw milk movement
  • how/why she got into farming and the restaurant business
  • why real food is a priority for Kristin and her family (and why it should be one for all of us)

For more on Kristin's restaurant and projects, visit

For complete show notes for this episode, visit





Sep 25, 2017

In today's society, a lot of effort is being invested into skin care and beauty products. There are plenty of modern treatments and products touted as able to reduce wrinkles, remove callouses, heal psoriasis and achieve overall healthy and glowing skin, yet they don’t really seem to work for more than a couple of hours after application. And upon closer inspection, we realize that over-the-counter creams and such include toxins and chemicals that do us more harm than good. It's time to take a look at what traditional people do! Hello, tallow!

Andrew J. Gardner is a WAPF-member who discusses how his eyes were opened to the benefits of traditional animal fats for skin care. His story led to growing excitement and such interest in the topic that he established a company to offer these products to the public, Vintage Tradition.

Andrew explains in today's interview how animal oils and our skin cells have the same cell structure, which makes them ideal for healing and nourishing our skin, and a step up from what plant-based oils can do for us. They have many fantastic characteristics including anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and even anti-cancer properties. You will certainly be motivated by this discussion to pursue more natural skin care products, to the point that you may even begin making your own! 

To learn more about Andrew's product lines, visit

For highlights from this episode, including resources mentioned in the discussion, visit

Sep 18, 2017

Lately, the documentary "What the Health" has been receiving a lot of attention. It is persuasive and provocative. The movie is causing widespread concern about the dangers of consuming animal products. But what is the truth behind the hype? How much science backs the numerous health claims of the movie? Is going vegan the answer to avoiding cancer and chronic conditions? Or is there another side to this story?

Nina Teicholz is our guest on today's episode. She is an investigative journalist and the author of "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet." She has spent over a decade digging deep into scientific claims and shedding light on the misconceptions we have as a society about what constitutes a healthy diet.

She asks hard questions and brings her investigative skills to bear, as we examine scientific evidence of the claims presented on What the Health. The bottom line? Upon close inspection, the studies and documentation for the health claims made by the movie don't hold water. There is more proof for the benefits of a diet that includes animal products than for one that does not. Nina offers resources for you to see for yourself, found in the links below. Soon, you will also be shaking your head and saying "What the health...what the heck!?"

For a complete review of the movie by Nina, and a thorough pdf that looks at the support for each claim, go to

For the highlights of this week's episode, go to


Sep 14, 2017

Every Wise Traditions journal is full of articles that are relevant, scientific, and significant for our health. In today's episode, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Sally Fallon Morell, reviews some of the top articles featured in the latest Wise Tradition Journal, Summer 2017. The topics are varied but they are all equally fascinating. Highlights include:

  • The importance of sulfur for the heart and arteries and where to find it (& even how to help our bodies produce it)
  • How extruded grains are a danger to our health and how they have contributed to all the issues we see in digestion of grains today
  • The hot topic of CRISPR, the new genome editing tool, and how it is far from accurate
  • The problem with vitamin D supplementation and why supplements are generally not recommended
  • The role of nutritional deficiencies in today’s increasing number of c-sections
  • How the Feingold diet helps children improve their behavior
  • And more on vitamin A, saturated fats, and childhood diseases

After listening you may want to dive deeper into the topics. In that case, consider becoming a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Membership is only $40 and includes a subscription to this quarterly journal. It's a great way to stay up to date with the latest news and research on health and nutrition. Join today at

Sep 11, 2017

Why is losing weight so difficult? This is the question Zoe Harcombe set out to answer while studying at Cambridge University. We are trained from an early age to seek solace in food. Sweet treats are a central part of nearly every holiday we celebrate. According to Zoe, food in the form of starchy carbohydrates has become the world’s most accessible and acceptable drug. At the same time, the US Dietary guidelines reinforce these behaviors by recommending a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat.

After years of following these dietary recommendations, most people find themselves with one or more of the following conditions, that in all likelihood is sabotaging their weight loss efforts: hypoglycemia, candida, and food intolerances.

Today Zoe helps us understand the symptoms and treatments of these conditions. Her suggestions for finding lasting change include addressing these issues with simple, practical advice including: eating real food, lowering your carbohydrate intake, and being careful from whom you get your nutritional advice!

Learn more at

For the full show notes for this episode, go to

Sep 4, 2017

As a society, we have become disconnected from our ancestral food traditions. In a similar way, many of us have also lost touch with our primal instincts when it comes to sexual intimacy. Dr. Marianne Brandon is an author, clinical psychologist, and diplomat in sex therapy and, in today's episode, she helps us rediscover these instincts and improve our most intimate relationships.

She touches on a variety of approaches to enhance our relationships including: the importance of being present, vulnerability, and communication. She also describes common problems experienced by couples in this area and how to overcome them. Throughout the conversation, she points to how men and women differ sexually, emphasizing that these differences are complementary and should be embraced rather than erased.

Finally, Marianne reveals that one of the major roadblocks to physical intimacy is that many of us are stuck in our heads. Marianne emphasizes the importance of being mindful and open and honest with our partners. Her advice, when heeded, can result in increased sexual satisfaction that will benefit our overall health and sense of well-being.

For resources from Dr. Brandon, visit

For the full show notes for today's episode, visit

Aug 28, 2017

Have you or has someone you know been diagnosed with Lyme Disease? Transmitted by ticks and often contracted due to weakened immunity, this condition seems to be on the rise. Unfortunately, many conventional doctors are unfamiliar with natural protocols that strengthen the body and promote long-term healing.

In today's episode, certified integrative nutrition health coach Robin Shirley discusses her road to recovery after struggling with Lyme Disease for over a decade. She has learned that nutrition is a key piece of the puzzle, as it lays the foundation for improved immune function. In addition to consuming nutrient-dense foods, she suggests a three-pronged approach to combat Lyme's: avoiding antibiotics, cleansing from parasites, and addressing heavy metal toxicity.


Listen to her story and recommendations to discover fresh ways to address this very serious condition.

Learn more about Robin and the resources she offers at

For extensive show notes (including links to resources Robin mentions on today's show), visit


Aug 21, 2017

How can you tell if a dietary recommendation is right for you? Is there a diet that works for everyone? What is the best way to measure what works or doesn't work for you? How can you find your own health “sweet spot?”

Dr. Richard Maurer helps us understand what he considers the best, most objective way to measure your health and find your sweet spot: blood work. Richard is a licensed naturopathic doctor and the author of “The Blood Code: Unlock the secrets of your metabolism.”

In today’s episode, he explains in simple terms which tests are key to evaluate our metabolism and overall health. He also tells the story of how he found his own metabolic "sweet spot" after becoming pre-diabetic at forty years old. 

He has specific tips that will help you avoid common dietary pitfalls and lead you to your own health sweet spot!

Learn more at

Or visit the website for full highlights and links from today's episode.

Aug 14, 2017

Chances are that you and many people you know take an omega-3 or fish oil supplement. These supplements are among the most popular on the market, yet they are highly misunderstood. For optimal health, we really need to strike a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. The right balance can protect our heart health, reduce inflammation in the body and improve neurological function. But how do we get there? 

Is fish oil the same as cod liver oil? Are supplements the best way to get essential fatty acids? How can we get more omega-3 fatty acids in our diet? Is it possible to get too much omega-3? Is omega-6 all bad?

Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, dispels myths and misconceptions about essential fatty acids in this episode, as she explains principle #8 of the Wise Traditions diet: how traditional peoples ate just the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. (These fatty acids are called essential because we must get them from our diet. Our bodies can't make these on their own.)

You’ll learn about the importance of arachidonic acid, the role of DHA and EPA, and the ideal ratios of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Most importantly, you'll learn which foods to include in your diet to strike the delicate balance that is critical for improved health and well-being.

Learn more at

Aug 7, 2017

Jodi Ledley was fighting a life-long battle with migraines and chronic pain to no avail. These were not simple headaches but rather debilitating incidents of excruciating pain that sent her to the ER on many occasions and were simply putting her on the sidelines of life. She spent thousands of dollars with medical professionals but received no resolution until she discovered what was triggering her health concerns: monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG, an excitotoxin, was causing serious neurological disruption for Jodi.

She found relief as she began to remove MSG from her diet, and her family’s health improved, as well. Now, through her book and speaking engagements, Jodi has encouraged thousands to follow in her footsteps. Migraine-sufferers, those with ADD, ADHD, and anxiety can all benefit by eliminating foods from their diet that contain this additive.

In today’s episode, you will learn how to detect MSG in your food--it goes by over 70 different names on food labels--and how to make changes to your diet that will improve your own health and the health of your loved ones.  

Learn more about Jodi's journey at

For the full show notes for this episode, visit




Jul 31, 2017

Many of us are stuck on a blood sugar rollercoaster and we don't even know it. We find ourselves reaching for a muffin at 10 a.m. and can’t make it through the day without a mid-afternoon cup of coffee or energy drink. It’s so common, we’ve come to regard it as normal.

Today, an expert in nutritional science and kinesiology, Lindsea Willon, joins us to explain how we can make different choices to avoid blood sugar spikes and dips. She offers practical tips like reminding us not to take sugar into our bodies "unopposed"--meaning vegetables and fruits should be eaten with some kind of fat to slow down their absorption into our blood stream. 

By eating differently, we can avoid short-term issues, like headaches, sleeplessness, PMS, and getting "hangry." Proper nutrition can also help us avoid more serious health concerns like diabetes, PCOS, joint pain, and injuries.

Lindsea understands, both intellectually and from life experience, the importance of a healthy diet. An athlete in college, her poor diet led to injury and fatigue. Now, she fuels herself with nutrient-dense foods and encourages others to do the same. Her goal is for everyone to experience the energy and vitality that is their birthright. This episode will certainly give you the tools needed to get on the right track and to get off the blood sugar rollercoaster for good!

To find out more about Lindsea's practice, visit

For the show notes for this episode, go to


Jul 24, 2017

In an age of information overload, it is easy to become overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the choices we have to make on a daily basis. Today, Hilary Boynton reminds us to slow down, take a deep breath, and cherish the moment. Hilary is an author, real food advocate, and a busy mother of five. Her husband has been battling cancer for some time. Her life is full and challenging. And, yet, in the middle of the chaos, she makes healthy eating a priority. She reminds us that it doesn’t take much to make delicious and nutritious meals. And that eating mindfully and in good company is just as important as eating clean and organic. Pursuing good health is a lifestyle, and it is as much about relationships (with our farmers, our friends and family, and ourselves) as it is about nutrient-density and diet. At the end of the day, Hilary reminds us to trust our bodies that know what we need. And she calls us to live consciously and courageously. This interview was recorded LIVE in Topanga Canyon, California. Learn more from Hilary at

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