
Wise Traditions

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.
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Wise Traditions











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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 27, 2021

Sunlight. Nourishing organ meats. A healthy, happy life. Matt Maruca, Sally Fallon Morell, and Bruce Lipton cover all of the above on our final podcast of 2021. It's a "highlight reel" of sorts with excerpts from the most popular episodes of the year. Explore the benefits of full spectrum sunlight with Matt Maruca of Ra Optics. Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, highlights the timeless principles of healthy traditional diets, including the importance of eating nose-to-tail and preparing for pregnancy. And Dr. Bruce Lipton offers insights on happiness: the importance of self-acceptance and balance.

Visit Bruce's website:

Check out Matt's website:

Sally's blog is available at

See our website for podcast transcripts and more:

Order videos from our Wise Traditions 2021 conference from Fleetwood here.

Check out our sponsors: Optimal CarnivoreBetter HelpOne Earth Health.

Dec 20, 2021

"Safety first" is what we usually hear. But is safety the best compass for living well? Charles Eisenstein, author of "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible,” holds a magnifying glass up to what’s happening in our society and in our lives. He challenges our choices and how we are responding to the current narrative. He warns against ostracizing individuals or groups and invites us to let intuition guide us on how to live best and most fully.

Check out Charles' website:

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Go to for health news.

See our sponsors: Optimal CarnivorePaleo Valley, One Earth Health

Dec 13, 2021

Mineral deficiencies could be at the root of much of our fatigue and illness. The proper balance of magnesium, copper, and iron can go far in restoring our health and curing our fatigue. Today, Morley Robbins, author of "Cure Your Fatigue" and founder of The Root Cause Protocol, offers insights on this topic.

He explains how to achieve the proper balance of core minerals–copper, iron, and magnesium–to turn things around and restore the body’s balance. And he discusses where these minerals are found to incorporate them into the diet, absorb the critical nutrients, and improve our health and energy levels.

See Morley's website:

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Check out our sponsors: Children's Health Defense, Optimal Carnivore, Better Help, One Earth Health

Dec 6, 2021

Why should we eat our liver… and other organ meats? Are they really as nutrient-rich as we've been told? And, if we do decide to go for it, what's the best approach to adding them to the diet? James Barry, chef, author, and founder of Pluck, organ-based seasoning, sheds light on the subject of "offal" (organ meats). He explains why organ meats are, essentially, "Mother Nature's multivitamin." He gives a brief history of organ meat consumption, explains cuts we may be unfamiliar with, and shares ideas for how to go about including them in the diet (including stating with cuts that are most similar to muscle meat). He shares clever ways to eat liver and other organ meats, too!

Visit James' website:

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Thanks to our sponsors: Optimal CarnivorePaleo Valley and One Earth Health

Nov 27, 2021

Humans spend roughly 70% of their days in a fight or flight response. It is common to be stressed, anxious, and worried. But it’s not healthy. These types of emotions resonate at lower frequencies. How can we shift to more positive emotions? And release emotions that may be stored or trapped in our biofield?

Dr. Sina McCullough is the creator of the online program GO WILD: How I Reverse Chronic & Autoimmune Disease and the co-host of the Beyond Labels podcast with Joel Salatin.

Today she explains how stored emotions in our bio-field can dictate the way our genes express themselves, and how emotions like fear, sadness or anger can express genes that create inflammatory conditions. She discusses the ill effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (known as ACES) and unresolved traumas. She goes over therapies (like tapping and breath work) that help us move emotion through the body to prevent and reverse disease. And she also reminds us of the healing power of self-love and acceptance.

Visit her website:

Sign up for our email list on our website:

Order recordings from our 2021 Wise Traditions conference here.

Check out our sponsors Optimal Carnivore and BetterHelp

Nov 22, 2021

A nutrient-dense diet can override a fair amount of sugar in the diet. Glyphosate and 5G have a role in our deteriorating health. Soy leads to aggressive behavior. It’s time to question the mainstream COVID narrative. Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, invites us to reexamine our presuppositions when it comes to nurturing good health. She covers all of the aforementioned topics: the power of a nutrient-dense diet, the dangers of soy and glyphosate, and the importance of digging deep to explore what factors are at play in our global health crisis.

Visit Sally's website:
Check out our website for more resources:
Order conference recordings at
Check out our sponsors: Cold Plunge and Optimal Carnivore

Nov 15, 2021

Curiosity led a biostatistician down an unusual path. Intrigued by the concept that the SARS-COV-2 virus has not been isolated ever, our guest began inquiring of health departments around the world: Do you have evidence of an isolated virus? To date, over 100 institutions from all over the globe have responded...and there has been no evidence in sight of SARS-COV-2. 

Christine Massey, a former biostatistician for cancer researchers, today discusses her research on the concept of viruses (and this “virus” in particular) and what she’s learned through hundreds of FOIA requests (freedom of information act) from health departments all over the world. 

She goes over how the cultures or samples used to "isolate the virus" are actually interfering with the process. She exposes the flaws in this methodology and the problem with PCR testing. She also explains why talk of “variants” is essentially nonsense. 

Visit Christine's website: 

Check out our website: 

Thank you to sponsors: Primal Pastures,Paleo Valley,  BetterHelp 

Nov 8, 2021

How can we help our children feel safe, happy, and grounded during these challenging times? Dr. Stanton Hom, a pediatric chiropractor, Hilary Boynton, the founder of School of Lunch, and Hilda Labrada Gore, ancestral health advocate share personal stories along with recommendations to help our children thrive in uncertain times. The conversation covers the importance of nourishing our children well, giving them a strong sense of who they are, and getting them outside and in nature as much as possible. Hilary, Stanton, and Hilda also emphasize the responsibility of parents for setting the tone of the home, and the role of love and spiritual practices in providing a solid foundation for the children's health and mindset.

Stanton Hom's website:

Hilary Boynton's website:

Hilda Labrada Gore's website:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Check out our sponsors: Primal PasturesCold

Nov 1, 2021

Homeopathy has been used to treat health crises in the past. It can help today too. Anke Zimmerman is a professional homeopath and former naturopathic physician with 30 years of clinical experience. Today she discusses how homeopathy may be a tool for preventing the covid sickness and for detoxing, post-injection. She covers what remedies she's used for patients who've gotten a covid vaccine. And she offers suggestions for remedies to shore up the body's resilience, overall.

Visit her website:

Go to our website and join our email list or become a member!

Check out our sponsors: Primal Pastures, Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore.

Oct 25, 2021

Current restrictions and mandates and the advent of health passports and more—are de-stabilizing. The media emphasizes COVID case loads, variants, and the need to get injections and boosters. What is really at play and who’s behind the fear-mongering? What is the end game? This is episode 336 and our guest today is Dr. David Martin. David is the author of “Lizards Eat Butterflies” and the Founder and Chairman of M-CAM Inc.


Today he discusses the state of emergency we find ourselves in, the push for vaccination, and how to protect health freedom. In this conversation, David helps us connect the dots about censorship, mind control, and criminal activity. He also notes what we can do to turn things around and maintain a positive outlook in these times.


Visit his website:

Check out our website:

Register for our Wise Traditions conference.

Check out our sponsors: Primal PasturesCold PlungeOptimal Carnivore

Oct 18, 2021

Are you willing to consider a completely different point of view of today's "pandemic"? Many people today are convinced that the coronavirus is contagious, masks are a must and that vaccines are critical to eradicate it once and for all. Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and Dr. Tom Cowan today explain, in no uncertain terms, how the so-called coronavirus is not actually a virus, at all, and that because this is the case, our response to the current health crisis has been completely off-base.

Check out our website:

Register for the Wise Traditions conference in Dallas.

Visit Tom's website:

Visit Sally's website:

Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real SaltPrimal PasturesOptimal Carnivore

Oct 11, 2021

Jewelweed, which often grows near poison ivy, is able to extract the oils from poison ivy and help you heal. Elderberry supports the immune system. Goldenrod can reduce allergies and is good for the circulatory system.

Mark Merriwether Vorderbruggen is a forager, chemist, and expert on wild edible and medicinal plants, and the founder of Medicine Man Plant Co. Today, he introduces us to the healing benefits of plants that we may have overlooked—like the Prickly Pear, the milk thistle, mushrooms, and more. He shares his knowledge along with a profound respect for nature and ancient cultures who literally listened to the plants and learned what they could do.

Check out Mark's website:

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Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Cold Plunge & Optimal Carnivore


Oct 4, 2021

Ancestral wisdom and traditions are not just "a thing of the past" but can be found in the present! And there is much to learn from them still.

Today, Hilda Labrada Gore, Wise Traditions podcast host and ancestral health advocate, shares stories of the ancestral health ways she encountered in Ecuador last summer. She notes the respect and gratitude toward Mother Earth (Pacha Mama) that she witnessed among the indigenous people, on display in particular during the spectacular Inti Raymi festival, celebrated during summer solstice. She describes how Mama Rosita Colta, a Kichwa partera (midwife) and curandera (healer) emphasized the importance of honoring life as something sacred, and how she was empowering women in her community to maintain their traditional birthing methods. Hilda also discusses the variety of traditional dishes that remain a part of Ecuador's culinary culture, including fried cuy (guinea pig). And, finally, she comments on how a small village in Ecuador handled COVID.

Check out Hilda's website:

Register for the Wise Traditions conference.

Visit our sponsors' websites: Primal Pastures, Real Salt,

Ancestral Supplements.

Sep 27, 2021

For decades we've been told to put on sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and avoid the mid-day sun. But what if this advice is actually the OPPOSITE of what we should do? Matt Maruca, of Ra Optics, says we need to discard this paradigm and embrace the sun! He explains that sunlight is critical for optimal cellular function. He calls sunlight “the greatest multivitamin ever,” since each wavelength of the sun’s rays benefits the body.

On this podcast, Matt tells his story of how he got into exploring the benefits of the sun in the first place (hint: he suffered from headaches, allergies, gut issues, and more), and he dives into exactly how sunlight helps our bodies work optimally. He also describes his "Light Diet" and offers simple steps we can take to avoid junk light and soak up the sun.

Visit Matt's website for more on the "Light Diet" and other resources:

Sign up for our upcoming Oct. 2nd Polyface event!

Register for our Wise Traditions conference!

Check out our sponsors: Cold Plunge and Primal Pastures

Sep 20, 2021

Is sugar the main culprit for dental decay and other issues? Dentist Marc DiNola suggests that a host of dental problems could be caused by nutritional deficiencies. He offers advice for what foods to eat to rectify the situation -- including Gouda cheese, organ meats, and fat from pastured animals. He explains how foods rich in vitamin K can keep teeth strong with the proper fluid flow.


Marc also explains the concept of meridians -- connections between our teeth and particular organs and blood supply--and he offers this as one reason he is not a proponent of root canals, since the dead teeth affect the energy flow to other parts of the body.


Visit Marc's website:

Sign up for our Oct. 2nd Polyface event!

Check out our sponsors: Primal Pastures and Redmond Real Salt

Sep 13, 2021

95% of the day, our choices come from subconscious programming. This programming was put in place in the first seven years of life. And it affects everything in our lives, including our health. 


Dr. Bruce Lipton, stem cell biologist and author of "The Biology of Belief" and "The Honeymoon Effect", explains how we've been programmed and how we can change that programming—especially if it's detrimental to our sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Without self-love, he reminds us, we look for someone else to “complete” us and this can lead to codependent relationships. On the flip side, when we are happy with ourselves, we attract happy, fulfilled people, which leads to a balanced healthy life. Bruce offers tips that help us focus on internal work for emotional and physical health.


Visit Bruce's website:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Sign up to attend our Wise Traditions conference.

Check out our sponsors: Cold Plunge and Paleo Valley

Sep 6, 2021

What solid foods are best to introduce to baby? What are the problems with baby-led weaning? Could diet play a part in sensitivity to non-native electromagnetic frequencies? And what are the risks associated with routine colonoscopies?


Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, covers the gamut in today's conversation, as we review highlights from the spring Wise Traditions journal. We discuss issues related to bringing up baby (like their need for cholesterol and the timing of introducing nutrient-dense foods), along with ideas for all ages – like steps to take to mitigate the effects of EMFs and the importance of the local farm for feeding the world.


Visit Sally's website:

Sign up for our Wise Traditions conference!

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Redmond Real Salt

Rate and review this podcast on Apple Podcasts

Aug 30, 2021

What if nature has a solution to the non-native radiation that is damaging our health? Justin Frandson, the owner of EMF Rocks, leads us in a discussion about the possibility that the ground itself can help us reverse the trend. He covers how radiation stresses our bodies, leading to headaches and insomnia. He discusses how rocks can replace the unnatural resonance with one that is healing and shares stories of what we can do to shore up our internal life force.

Visit Justin's website:

Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt and Cold Plunge

Register for our Wise Traditions conference this November.

Make the 50-50 pledge to spend half of your food dollar at local farms.

Aug 23, 2021

What if outer space is not a void, but instead has substance, an "aether" that has healing properties that may be of tremendous benefit to us? Dr. James DeMeo makes a compelling case for this perspective based on his decades of research and the work of Nikolai Tesla. He explains how the energy heals, what we are doing that is compromising its protective properties and what we can do to tap into it to reap its benefits.


Find out more at

Sign up for our Wise Traditions conference!

Join the PrimaFoodie Summit. Check out Redmond Real Salt.

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Aug 16, 2021

Have you ever looked at the sky and been surprised to see clouds that don’t look like normal clouds? There are often streaks of white traversing overhead. Where do they come from and what are they doing to us? Dane Wigington is the lead researcher and administrator for the website, and the executive producer of the documentary, “The Dimming.” He has a background in solar energy and was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation.

He has amassed facts that point to covert global climate engineering operations. This is the crux of geoengineering: an effort to manipulate the climate and manage solar radiation. But it appears to be detrimental to the health of soil and people.

Dane explains how he got into this field and what he has uncovered since that time. He differentiates between so-called chemtrails and contrails and emphasizes that atmospheric particles left in the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, are NOT simply condensation as we’ve been led to believe. Finally, he offers advice for what to do to diminish the fallout from the chemicals that may be falling from the sky.

Check out his website and watch the documentary "The Dimming" at

Register for our Wise Traditions conference in November in Texas.

Check out our sponsors: Real SaltPrima Foodie, and Cold Plunge.

Visit our website for more resources and the podcast transcript.

Aug 9, 2021

Is there a push to alter human DNA to create a kind of "humanity 2.0"? Dr. Carrie Madej is convinced there is. She is an Osteopathic Internal Medicine Doctor who has directed two large medical clinics in the state of Georgia in the U.S. Her in-depth research of vaccination has led her to some startling discoveries.

Today, Carrie sheds light on some disturbing biotechnological advances, and the potential nefarious motives behind them. The attempt to combine artificial intelligence with human beings is ostensibly intended to improve the human race and social behavior, but it is likely to compromise our ability to be fully human and completely ourselves. In light of this, Carrie offers practical advice for maintaining control of our health, and resisting efforts to invade our privacy and modify our humanity.  

Find out more at the website:

Visit our website:

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Bordeaux Kitchen Naturals  and PrimaFoodie

Register for our Wise Traditions conference this November.

Aug 2, 2021

It’s 5 p.m. The kids are hungry, again, and you are scrounging around the fridge and cabinets, trying to figure out what to feed them for dinner. One of them would eat only bread and potatoes, if you let him. The other turns her nose up at anything green. How can you possibly feed them meals that they might actually enjoy eating, that also truly nourish at the same time?


Corey Dunn is a homeschooling mama of four who is helping a growing community feed their real kids, real food. She offers numerous ideas for nutrient-dense meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She talks about how she manages the pickiest eater in her family and how she reduces stress at the dinner table. She gets specific about brands she likes and strategies she uses to feed her family well on a budget.

Last but not least, she reminds us that many foods can be "upgraded" to become more nourishing, and even more delicious.


Check out Corey's blog:

Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Nash Family Fish

Register for our Wise Traditions conference in November.

Order our trifold brochure pack.

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Jul 26, 2021

What can we do to ensure we're getting the most essential vitamins and minerals in our diet each day? Chris Masterjohn has a PhD in nutritional sciences and, today, he helps us get clarity on how to go about it.


Right off the bat, he recommends turning to food first. He highlights the benefits of liver (especially for women) and the importance of DHA and arachidonic acid for gut health, to resolve skin issues and improve neurological function, in addition to avoiding off omega-3 and omega-6 deficiencies.


He also offers his own personal recipe for a perfect whole-food "multi-vitamin." In short, he equips us with a better idea of what our bodies need and how to provide for them.


Visit Chris' website:

Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners and Nash Family Fish

Register for our conference here.

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Jul 19, 2021

Herbs are the undervalued helpers in our diets. Sure, they spice up our foods and beverages, but they also play a role in supporting digestion, mood, and healthy immune system function. Jenny McGruther helps us explore their role in the diet and in our health. Jenny is a nutritional therapist, herbalist and the author of three natural foods cookbooks: The Nourished Kitchen, Broth and Stock, and Vibrant Botanicals, her latest cookbook which features culinary and medicinal herbs.


Jenny tells the story of how her own struggle with anxiety led her down the path to explore the world of culinary and therapeutic herbs. She explains how herbs have different vital properties (some stimulate, some relax us, for example) and how understanding these properties can help us choose the herbs that might be the most beneficial for our bodies. She gets specific about herbs that help the body handle stress, like astragalus, and offers advice about which herbs to start including in the diet.


Visit her website:

Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners and Paleo Valley

Learn more about the Health Freedom Defense Fund

Donate to the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Jul 12, 2021

What are the consequences of this worldwide vaccination mobilization? Dr. Larry Palevsky, a NYS-licensed pediatrician and a past president of the American Holistic Medical Association, offers words of warning on today's podcast. First, he says that the COVID-19 injections are not necessarily vaccines, as we understand them, but rather an mRNA technology (on which there is no safety data).


He also expresses concern about the lipid nanoparticles they contain--that have been shown to cause damage to reproductive systems, the brain, liver, kidney, and heart. He discusses the censorship of treatments that have shown promise and why he believes such treatments have been pushed aside.


Finally, he sheds light on the big picture--where we're headed and why we need to turn around, before we hit the point of no return.

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