
Wise Traditions

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.
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Now displaying: 2022
Dec 26, 2022

Use cash. A 1% change in any area of your life can exponentially improve it. Avoiding artificial scents in skin-care and household cleaning products can relieve our toxic burden. These are simple lessons from today's BEST OF 2022 episode that highlights segments from our most listened-to episodes of the year!

Justin Rhodes of "The Rooted Life," Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari, and Emilie Toups of Toups and Co. emphasize simple steps we can take for a healthier, wealthier life.

Visit the Justin Rhodes Show YouTube channel

Go to for more from Catherine Austin Fitts

Check out for info on non-toxic skin care and more from Emilie Toups

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See our sponsors: White Oak Pastures, Marithyme Seafood CoOptimal Carnivore

Dec 19, 2022

Do you feel like you're too sick to get better? Or that circumstances are overwhelming you? The stories we tell ourselves impact our health in often unseen ways. Today, Dr. Navin Hettiarachchi, a unique healer with a PhD in Natural Medicine, reminds us that mindset and mindfulness can transform our health, even when all else has failed.

He goes over the 4 pillars that he considers the bedrock of wellbeing--sleep, nutrition, movement, and mindfulness. And he focuses especially on the benefits of a grateful, "every day is Christmas kind" of attitude. He shares stories of how his childhood in Sri Lanka has shaped his own journey. And tells of people he has encountered who have overcome incredible obstacles and achieved optimal physical health and success thanks to a healing, flow-state
kind of mindset.

Visit Navin's website:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

Check out our sponsors: Simply Grassfed, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

Dec 12, 2022

Side effects of statins include brain fog, joint pain, kidney injury, impaired liver function, heart failure, and even dementia. We have been told that statins improve heart health by lowering cholesterol. But it turns out that most of the information we've been given has been based on deceptive statistics.


David Diamond, a neuroscientist with a PhD in biology, has done a deep dive on the subject, since he himself was prescribed statins many years ago. He came to realize that there is a false narrative surrounding cholesterol and heart health. And that the data for studies showing the "efficacy of statins" has been manipulated to show favorable outcomes. Today he reviews the data and uncovers the truth about the problem with statins. He also offers a number of ideas for what to do instead of taking these increasingly popular prescription medications.


Follow David Diamond on Twitter: @ldlskeptic

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Dec 5, 2022

We know that butter tastes better than margarines and vegetable oil spreads, but is it actually better for you and beneficial to your health? Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and author of Nourishing Traditions explains that the answer is definitively "YES!" Today, she goes over the nutrients in butter today - like fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K, important trace minerals, arachidonic acid, cholesterol, and the Wulzen factor - and she explains the benefits that they offer us and our children.

She also reviews the problematic ingredients found in butter substitutes that can lead to thyroid issues, arthritis, infertility, skin rashes, and more. In sum, Sally makes a strong case, based on scientific evidence, that is butter is a better choice, in every respect.

Visit Sally's website:

Take our podcast survey (to enter to win our free book on WAPF's 11 dietary principles)

Check out our sponsors: Paleo ValleyMarithyme Seafood CompanyOptimal Carnivore

Order the "Why Butter is Better" brochure

Nov 28, 2022

Teeth are living organs. It’s important to proceed with caution before any procedure on them. Today, Dr. Dawn Ewing, the executive director of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine and the author of "Let the Tooth Be Known" goes over what's involved in a root canal.

She goes over the reason they are recommended, how the procedure is performed and what its drawbacks are. She explains why conventional dentistry misses the mark when it comes to understanding how the teeth relate to the entire body, through meridians. And she reviews the work Dr. Price himself did on root canals, why his contribution is so valuable to the field and how it is now being recognized in holistic and biological dentistry.

Visit the website of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Marithyme Seafood Company, Optimal Carnivore

Nov 21, 2022

Eating quality pasture-raised meat can help heal the planet and our bodies. This is what it did for Taylor Collins, the co-founder of Force of Nature Meats, and a former vegan. Taylor today debunks myths propagated about the deleterious effects of meat on our health and on the land. He explains that animals are an integral part of the process of regenerative agriculture by sequestering carbon, re-vitalizing soil, and increasing environmental biodiversity. He also explains how eating meat is a regenerative act for the human body, since it abounds in nutrients that build muscles and improve hormonal and cognitive function. Not all meat is equal, he hastens to remind us.. Its provenance affects its quality and its effect on the earth.

Go to for more on their mission and for resources.

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See our sponsors: Redmond Real SaltPaleo ValleyOptimal Carnivore

Nov 14, 2022

What does the health of soil have to do with our health? How do we make choices that help heal the land if we're not farmers? And is "regenerative agriculture" just a trendy term or is there substance and merit to it? Robby Sansom is the co-founder and CEO of Force of Nature. Today he goes over key components of regenerative agriculture and the difference it makes for the health of the planet and those populating it.

Robby discusses the five principles of soil health and contrasts them with how the soil is treated in the conventional agricultural model. He shares startling statistics: how 80% of our food has lost its nutritional value and how the United Nations has said there are only 60 years of food production left. He covers the implications of these numbers, and he explains how these make the regenerative agriculture movement more critical than ever.

Check out the website

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

See our sponsors: Redmond Real SaltMarithyme Seafood CompanyOptimal Carnivore

Nov 7, 2022

Is it possible to be a “conscious omnivore” that cares about animals and the planet, while still including meat in the diet? Meredith Leigh, author of “The Ethical Meat Handbook," says, "Yes, it is." A former vegetarian (and vegan), Meredith is profoundly concerned with animal welfare, changing the food system, and healing the earth.

Today, she goes over how we can be responsible global citizens in all of our choices related to sourcing meat, cooking, and eating it. She talks about how to take small steps in the right direction for ethical meat-eating and how to become advocates for systemic change and improved access to real food. She also discusses how her ideas have shifted over time and how she is convinced we can buy differently, cook differently, and eat differently and therefore bring about change not just for our households, but for the world.

Visit Meredith's website:

Order recordings from our WT conference 2022:

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Check out our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

Oct 31, 2022

Our physical and mental health are inextricably tied to our gut health. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" and "Gut and Physiology Syndrome" (GAPS) explains today the importance of healing and sealing the gut for vibrant health. She describes how the GAPS diet can do just that, resolving a compromised digestive system (commonly referred to as "leaky gut").

The porous gut wall unfortunately allows toxins to flow from the gut to the bloodstream and then throughout the body, leading to physical diseases or mental health concerns. Whether the symptoms are related to mental health (like schizophrenia, depression, and ADHD) or physical health (like allergies, brain fog, and autoimmune conditions), they can be resolved by addressing the root problem: poor gut health. The GAPS nutritional protocol is the powerful tool Natasha recommends. She discusses how it works and reminds us that epigenetics (lifestyle changes) play a part in turning things around. She also invites us to keep in mind that a diagnosis of any kind is not our destiny.

Visit Natasha Campbell-McBride's recommended websites:,,,

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See our sponsors: Redmond Real Salt, Marithyme Seafood, Optimal Carnivore

Oct 24, 2022

It's time to maximize the nutrition and minimize the anti-nutrients in our beans, grains, seeds, and legumes. We can do this through the ancient process of soaking and sprouting them. Peggy Sutton, the founder and president of To Your Health Sprouted Flour Co., explains how to do this and why. She's bringing the practice back after years of being overlooked.


Today, she tells us about how she came across this practice in the first place. She describes how sprouting works to strip away toxins. She discusses how to go about it at home. And she also reveals the dirty little secret about the "sprouted flour" industry (how not every product bearing the label "sprouted" actually has been sprouted).


Visit her website:

Get her article, "How to Sprout at Home"

Find more resources on our website

Check out our sponsors: Bordeaux Kitchen Naturals, Redmond Salt, Upgraded Formulas, and Optimal Carnivore

Oct 18, 2022

Water is an observer. Water is wild. Water is a source. Today we explore water’s creativity and secret intelligence. And the implications of such water flowing through us. Veda Austin is a water researcher, public speaker, artist, and author. Today, she goes over some surprising facts about water that may change how we relate to it. She describes experiments, for example, that point to how water responds to energy, intentions, and its environment. She reminds us of the fact that water courses through us and that we, as human beings, are essentially bodies of water--and how water ties all life together, physically, energetically, and spiritually. Finally, she highlights how water played a role in her healing, following a serious car accident.

Check out her website:

Visit our website for more podcast episodes or resources:

See our sponsors: Bordeaux Kitchen Naturals, Branch Basics, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

Oct 10, 2022

We've been told that eating healthy means eating a lot of vegetables, but what if plants and vegetables have a "dark side"? What might an animal-based diet do for our health and well-being? There’s a lot of buzz about the carnivore diet right now. What does an animal-based diet look like and how can it benefit us? Dr. Paul Saladino, a leading expert on the science and application of the carnivore diet, sheds light on what this kind of diet can do for those on a healing journey.

As a conventionally-trained doctor, he was taught very little about nutrition, but he took it upon himself to do a deep dive. What he found changed the course of his practice. Now, he uses the carnivore diet to help patients reverse autoimmune conditions, chronic inflammation, and mental health issues.

Today, Paul compares the long-term effects of eating a vegan diet with meat-eaters. (Hint: the latter fare better.) He reviews why animal products are very good for us and why plant foods are less so. He explains why he considers the carnivore diet good for both men and women. And why his own animal-based diet today includes some fruits and even raw milk.

As you listen, please keep in mind that the Wise Traditions diet that WAPF recommends is an omnivore diet rich in traditional fat, with moderate amounts of protein and carbohydrates. Rather than eliminating plant foods, we offer methods to make it easier for our bodies to absorb and assimilate them. Nonetheless, we wanted to explore the topic of a carnivore diet in today's episode.

Visit Paul's website:

Check out Janine Farzin's Liver Lover Course:

See our sponsors: DefenderShield, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore

Oct 3, 2022

The President of the United States recently declared that the pandemic is over. Now what? Charles Eisenstein offers insights on where we've been and where we are headed. Charles is a bestselling author, public speaker, and social critic. He speaks of the pandemic time as an initiation, or invitation, to investigate new ways of living, both as individuals and as a society.

Today, Charles covers several topics, including the broken societal systems that over the past few years valued safety over connection and authority over personal empowerment. He points out how those who dared to challenge the mainstream narrative were ostracized—and how he personally faced such shunning and dealt with it. He points out the futility of the "blame game" many of us are involved in--looking for a scapegoat for our societal woes--and he invites us to take steps to reclaim our sovereignty & humanity.

Visit his website:

See our website for resources:

Listen to the Wellness and Wisdom podcast

Check out our sponsors: Branch BasicsPaleo Valley, and Optimal Carnivore

Sep 26, 2022

Up to 70% of fabrics used in our clothing today are made from plastic. Slow fashion is a movement like that of "slow food". We seek out good sourcing for what we wear, just as we do with what we eat. Megan Meiklejohn is a sustainability expert in the fashion industry and the Senior Vice President of Supply Chain for Land to Market. Today she helps us look at our clothing through a new lens: what is it made of, where did it come from, and is it good for the land and our bodies?

Megan talks about our choices as consumers and how they can help steer the direction of the industry. She weighs in on whether leggings made from water bottles are good or bad, for example, and she tells us which brands are actually working on sustainable sourcing. All in all, she helps provide us with something of a clothing compass for making better choices for our individual health and that of the planet.

Check out for more info and resources.

Sign up for the Wise Traditions conference in Knoxville this October.

See our sponsors: DefenderShield, UpgradedFormulas, Optimal Carnivore

Sep 19, 2022

MSG. Sulfur. Vitamin D deficiency. Sunscreen. These are just some of the potential health saboteurs covered by Sally Fallon Morell, the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, in today's episode, as she highlights articles from the summer 2022 issue of the Wise Traditions journal. She discusses how hidden MSG has been linked to obesity, how sulfur in garlic may compromise some people's health, and how vitamin D deficiency can affect jaw structure and, of course, mood and overall wellbeing. She covers how sunscreen can interfere with our hormonal function. She also offers simple steps to counteract these saboteurs in your own life and your family.

Check out Sally's website and blog:

Register for our Wise Traditions conference.

See our sponsors: Branch Basics, Paleo Valley, and Optimal Carnivore.

Sep 12, 2022

A number of foods on the supermarket shelves are fortified with iron. Is this a good idea? Dr. Leland Stillman, MD., says that it's not. He is convinced that most of us have too much iron in our bodies. Virtually every disease of aging is linked to excess iron accumulation: depression, anxiety, dementia, skin problems, liver failure and more. But common blood work might not reveal this issue.

Iron is both a toxin and a nutrient so it can be challenging both to determine whether we are deficient or overloaded. Leland explains tell-tale signs of iron overload and he explains which assessments work and which are limited. He also goes over the nutrients we need (like copper and folate) to help our bodies properly handle iron. Finally, he tells us why donating blood to off-load iron may not be the best solution. And he weighs in on whether cooking with cast iron pans is advisable or not.

Visit his website for resources and consultations.

Register for the Wise Traditions conference.

Check out our sponsors: Defender ShieldUpgraded FormulasOptimal Carnivore

Sep 5, 2022

Stress causes inflammation, dysregulation of the immune system, raises blood sugar, suppresses healing T cells and natural killer cells. But can it lead to cancer? Brandon LaGreca, author of "Cancer, Stress & Mindset," tackles that question today. Brandon is a licensed acupuncturist who, in 2015, was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. He achieved full remission eight months later without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.

Today he discusses how stress is often overlooked as a contributing factor, if not a driving force, that can indeed lead to cancer.

He covers what stress does to us biologically and psychologically, and he offers techniques for mitigating its effect, like vagus nerve activation, journaling, prioritizing sleep, and more. His very practical tips can help us all improve our mindset and build greater resilience, whatever the state of our general health.


Visit Brandon's website:

Register for our Wise Traditions conference:

Check out our sponsors: Branch BasicsPaleo ValleyOptimal Carnivore

Aug 29, 2022

Many of us know by now how good organ meats are for our health, but we may still find them intimidating or completely foreign to work with! Ashleigh Vanhouten, the author of It Takes Guts, demystifies organ meats. She offers practical tips for not only preparing them but enjoying them. She gives examples of the best-tasting organs to start with (hint: not liver!) and discusses how to draw out (or semi-hide) the unique flavors.

She also explains the superpower benefits of regularly incorporating these foods into our diets. Ashleigh also gives us a sneak peek into some of her favorite recipes, including chocolate blood pudding! Finally, she reminds us how she was once also uncertain about preparing organ meats when Ashleigh got started and encouraged us to get the guts to try them out, as she did!

Check out her website:

Grab her free organ meat recipe e-book.

Register for our Wise Traditions conference.

See our sponsors: Bubble & BeeUpgraded FormulasOptimal Carnivore

Aug 22, 2022

Before commercial baby formula shortages were a concern, Sally Fallon Morell had concerns about the product sold on supermarket shelves. Sally is the president of The Weston A. Price Foundation and the author of "Nourishing Traditions." Today, Sally discusses why commercial infant formula is problematic for babies' growth and healthy development.

She goes over formula's ingredients, which in many cases include soy, which has an extremely high estrogen content that can interfere with a baby's hormone function. She covers the history of commercial formula and how it has been marketed to parents. She discusses what alternatives parents have (including homemade formula made with raw goat, cow milk, or even meat). And finally, she makes dietary recommendations for couples hoping to nourish their little ones well and those who hope to conceive a baby one day.

Visit Sally's website for her blog:

Register for our Wise Traditions conference

See our Weston A. Price Foundation Action Alerts

Check out our sponsors: Branch BasicsPaleo ValleyOptimal Carnivore

Aug 15, 2022

FarmMatch might sound like a dating app, but it’s actually a really cool and user-friendly way to find local regenerative farms in your area! Today, Max Kane, CEO of FarmMatch, explains the mission behind the idea to connect consumers to farms that are doing it right—providing local, nutrient-dense food to the public.

Max discusses the idea behind FarmMatch and how to get started with it. He talks about the importance of real food (now more than ever). He shares his own story of ill health as a kid that led to his interest in a diet for healing and why he now considers food more vital for our bodies than even oxygen.


Find your local WAPF chapter leader.

Check out our sponsors: Bubble & Bee, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore

Aug 8, 2022

We are exposed to exponentially more artificial radiation (non-native electromagnetic frequencies) than any previous generation. How do we protect ourselves? And what can we do to build resilience in the face of this phenomenon? Daniel DeBaun, the co-author of “Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology” and the CEO of DefenderShield, has some practical tips for how to go about this.

He reviews studies that have been done that show the harm radiation can cause. He explains EHS, electromagnetic hypersensitivity and why this condition seems to afflict more women than men. He goes over why he’s not a fan of pendants or harmonizers for dealing with EMFs. Instead, he recommends simple switches with our devices and shoring up our health from the inside out.

Visit Daniel’s website

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Check out our sponsors: Branch Basics, Paleo ValleyOptimal Carnivore

Aug 1, 2022

What does it take to raise chickens in the backyard? Is it hard? And what is the payoff (in addition to delicious and nutritious fresh eggs)? Today, Harvey Ussery, farmer and author of “The Small-Scale Poultry Flock”, offers a kind of “backyard chickens 101” class on today's episode and you get a front-row seat!

Harvey covers the ins and outs of backyard chickens: from how to get started, navigating your county’s regulations, how to source your chicks, how to avoid chicken coop “stink” and more. He discusses feed and the importance of allowing chickens to roam about and feast on earthworms, grubs, slugs, and snails. He talks about the value it brings to the entire household, in terms of understanding how nature works.All in all, he makes a great (and entertaining) case for giving backyard chickens a go.

Visit Harvey's website:

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Check out our sponsors: Bubble & Bee, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore

Jul 25, 2022

These times are a collective wake up call, inviting us to take charge of our health. Paul Chek, author and the founder of the CHEK Institute, today explains why we must respond to this wake up call by listening to our body and learning from the four  “doctors” (or teachers) – happiness, movement, diet, and quiet. He explains each in detail. Turning to these doctors helps us fulfill our dreams, nourish our bodies, strengthen our spirit and identify our purpose. They address our growth and health on all the levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Check out his website:

Sign up for our Wise Traditions conference this October!

See our sponsors: Abundance Plus, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore

Jul 18, 2022

What would it look like if we worked together with our neighbors to foster food independence, build stronger communities, and improve our health? Zen Honeycutt, author and the Executive Director of Moms Across America, has an idea to get us growing food for our families and those around us, ensuring food access for all, which is especially important in times like these.

Zen explains the pilot program she is starting up to empower people to get growing their own food: the Neighborhood Food Network. She talks about the support offered to newbie gardeners including resources for when to plant, what to plant, how to handle pests, and more. She shares her vision for more connection with those around us and with the land that can yield food and joys to sustain us now and in the future.

Visit her websites: and
Check out our website:
Sign up for a WAPF event at Sally's farm:
Check out our sponsors: Bubble and Bee, Optimal Carnivore, Abundance Plus

Jul 11, 2022

With expected food shortages, it is more important than ever to get to know our farmer and buy local. John Moody, well-known food grower, researcher, and author, explains today how a food buying club may be an excellent way to source real food close to home. He describes how food buying clubs operate and how they benefit both farmers and consumers.

He goes into why he started a food buying club many years ago and why you might want to start one, too. He shares the pros and cons of such clubs and how they help us avoid the fragile, single-point of failure that characterizes the industrialized food complex.

Check out John's websites: and

Sign up for the School of Lunch Leader Training Academy!

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Check out our sponsors: Abundance PlusBubble & BeeOptimal Carnivore

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