Today we feature excerpts from our most popular episodes of 2019! Coach & fitness expert Ben Greenfield is known as a "biohacker" who uses technology and science for peak performance. And yet he also has a profound understanding of simple ways that we can mimic the health practices of our ancestors for optimal health. (From episode #185 "Mimicking Ancestral Living")
Clinical scientist and hormone expert Dr. Elizabeth Plourde weighs in on the sunscreen debate and discusses why sunscreen may do us more harm than good. Based on her extensive research, Elizabeth discusses how sunscreen negatively impacts coral, marine life, and our own. (From episode #183 "Is Sunscreen Okay to Use?")
And health coach, fitness professional, and podcast host Hilda Labrada Gore offers her top tips for healthy living. Holistic Hilda, as she is known, is the host and producer of this show. As such, she has gleaned insights on how to improve energy and well-being. She emphasizes the power of sunlight to improve sleep and hormonal function, and reveals the daily physical and spiritual practices that give her perspective and strength. (From episode #200 "Top 5 Health Hacks")
Ben's website:
Elizabeth's website:
Hilda's website:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements &
Ecuador Ancestral Tour with Hilda: Carishina Travel
If we want nourishing food, we need to put our money where our mouth is. Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, makes a strong case why it is so important to spend at least 50% of our food dollar supporting local farms and artisans.
In today's podcast, she gives practical tips for how to go about buying more food right where we live, how to stretch our food budget, and which foods are especially important to buy locally. She also reminds us of the big picture--that is, how powerful educated consumers are. The way we spend our money shapes the direction of the food industry.
Check out Sally's blog:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements
Take the 50% pledge here:
So, what’s the deal with fat? If it’s really so good for us, why is there still so much conventional dietary dogma warning us of its perils, and how can we learn to discern which voices to listen to when it comes to something so important like our health?
Heart health expert & author Dr. Stephen Hussey offers common sense and scientific insight on the role fat should have in our diet. His starting point is our body's penchant for burning fat, from the beginning of time. He busts the myth that blames heart disease on fat consumption. And he explains how we can benefit from including more fat in the diet and which fats are the best "starter" fats (like egg yolks, for example)!
Visit Stephen's website:
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements & Trust Merchant Services
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Imagine being stuck on a desert island with access to only one food for survival. What would you choose? Our guest today, cheesemaker and founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Sally Fallon Morell, would definitely say cheese! Today, we’re thrilled to welcome Sally back to Wise Traditions to tell us all about her favorite food. She tells us about the surprising nutrient density and health benefits of cheese, how cheese got its start, how it is made, and how to include more of it into our diet.
Subscribe to Sally's blog:
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements & Trust Merchant Services
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Our children are sicker than those of prior generations. One in two has a chronic illness. What can we do to turn the tide? Beth Lambert has concrete ideas about how to reduce our children's toxic burden. Beth is the executive director of Epidemic Answers, a group committed to empowering and educating families to help children heal. Beth has an audacious goal of getting hard data on the health status of children across the country, and then documenting the journey of families who undertake changes to reduce the stressors on their children's bodies.
Today, Beth gives us the background on her own journey: how her own children’s health concerns alarmed her and propelled her to start examining the root causes of chronic issues like eczema, allergies, digestive issues, and sensory and processing disorders. She was able to turn things around for her own children and now is on a mission to help children, nation-wide, and world-wide.
We learn about the tools she used to help her children rediscover health and balance. And we are invited to join hands with her by participating in the study she is conducting to document hope for the next generation.
Learn more about Epidemic Answers:
Participate in the CHIRP study (for families with children between the ages of 1-15) here: CHIRP
Order conference DVD, flash drive, or on demand recordings: Fleetwood Conference Recording
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements & Trust Merchant Services
Our most nourishing meals are not simply those that fill our bellies. Today, chef, teacher, and author Holly Davis helps us explore the many facets to deep nourishment: Taste. Texture. Simplicity. Beauty. Appropriateness.
This conversation is not a how-to, really, or a lecture on what we should and shouldn't do. Rather, it's a gentle reminder to become intentional about how we approach eating and serving others.
We take Holly's book, Nourish, as a starting point. From there, we discuss the value of sustainable food production, and of knowing where our food comes from. Holly sprinkles in advice for parents of picky eaters. She talks about how the "five element theory" can be a guide while cooking. And she points to the role our attitude plays as we put together a meal that truly nurtures both the body and the spirit.
Visit Holly's website:
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements & Trust Merchant Services
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Have you heard of kefir? It's an amazing probiotic drink that offers vitamins, minerals, metabolites, enzymes, amino acids, peptides and more to help sustain and regain health. Victor Cozzetto, of Vitagenics, explores the wonders of this ancient drink on today's episode.
He discusses gut health (and how kefir can help repair the gut lining), the importance of a holistic mindset when it comes to healing, why it's better to get bacteria from our food and drink (as opposed to a pill) and why making kefir is so very satisfying and gratifying.
If you're new to kefir, this podcast offers a sweet introduction to the drink. If you love it already, you'll find more reasons to do so.
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The Weston A. Price Foundation
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Washington, DC 20016 USA
The Impossible Burger. The Beyond Burger. Lab meat. All of these are touted as healthy alternatives to the real deal: a beef burger. Today, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation makes a case for including animal products in our diet.
As Sally goes over the highlights from the fall Wise Traditions journal, she goes in-depth, explaining why pseudo meat is a poor substitute for real meat. Their cheap and highly-processed ingredients (including soy, pea protein, artificial flavorings, and colorings) make for an unhealthy choice for us and for the planet.
In this episode, Sally also touches on the importance of mitochondrial health, “gentle cooking,” and the dangers of ultrasound technology and even microwave ovens. The conversation, overall, is a solid reminder of why we need to return to real foods and natural approaches for cultivating good health.
For Sally's blog, visit her website:
Become a member (& receive the Wise Traditions journal) here:
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Check out our sponsor Ancestral Supplements:
How can we hold onto joy in a world that is so challenging? How can we keep the openness and curiosity of a child? Alyson Earl believes that connecting to nature is a great first step. Alyson is the executive director of the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education. At the Horn Center, she is creating space of wonder, a place for wonder, and connection to the land and ourselves. She and her team are raising up a new generation of farmers and gardeners, helping people reconnect with the importance of soil health, biodiversity, and mutually beneficial relationships.
Among other things, in today’s conversation, Alyson discusses regenerative agriculture, the need for us to become producers (not merely consumers) and how we can hold onto hope as look at our lives and the land differently.
Learn more about the Horn Center here:
Register for the Wise Traditions conference here:
Check out our sponsor Ancestral Supplements:
It’s the 20th anniversary of the Wise Traditions conference this November! Whether you can attend or not, this bonus episode will give you an idea of what’s going to be covered at the gathering. Sally Fallon Morell, author, speaker, traditional food advocate, and the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, brings an overview of the topics and speakers in the stellar lineup. From a focus on vitamin A, to offal, intermittent fasting, to vaccinations, farming, and whole body health, there’s something for everyone at this event!
This conversation may inspire to join us in person, or simply buy the livestream tickets and on demand access. See the links below to do so. We welcome you to take a deep dive with us in the place where ancient wisdom meets modern science.
For more from Sally, check out her blog:
Visit our website:
Register for our conference:
Order conference live streaming/on demand: Fleetwood On Site Recording
Are you gluten intolerant? Sensitive to wheat? Have you eliminated grains from your diet altogether? Bob Quinn, a leader in organic and sustainable agriculture, and the author of “Grain by Grain,” suggests that you may be able to include grains in your life once again. He has been cultivating an ancient grain known as “kamut” and he has found that it is much more digestible and beneficial than most hybridized modern wheat.
Bob recognizes that modern wheat is very inflammatory, so he offers suggestions to those who are willing to give ancient grains a try. He also advocates for fermented grains to make the nutrients more bio-available to our bodies. Not only does he bring his wisdom to bear in terms of the wheat we can eat, but he also explains why it is critica for us to pay more attention to what the food industry is doing to farming and our health.
Visit Bob's website here:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements
Register for our upcoming conference here:
For the health conscious, choosing a wine can be problematic. Are there "clean" wines for those who like to eat "clean?" What difference does alcohol content make? How do we decide between "natural" and "organic" wines? How can we avoid additives? Which are the best brands? Is it smart to even drink alcohol in the first place, when you are pursuing a healthy lifestyle?
With 15 years of experience in the wine industry, Todd White, the founder of Dry Farm Wines, educates us about the wine industry, while answering these questions. He shares the industry's dirty little secrets related to labeling, alcohol content, and what's really put into the products. He explains that the label "organic," for example, does not necessarily mean that the wine is additive-free. He goes over which additives cause headaches and are actually toxic to our bodies. And he offers suggestions for how healthy people can choose the best wine.
Visit Todd's website here: Dry Farm Wines
Check out our sponsors: Ancestral Supplements
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If you’ve ever reached for a cup of coffee or sugary snack to get through the day, this episode is for you. Many of us turn to caffeine or sugar to push through the initial stages of fatigue. And it’s no wonder why. The average person today has 100 times the stressors of people who lived one hundred years ago. We are constantly in fight or flight mode and this takes a toll on our health.
Today, Dr. Timothy Weeks, a holistic chiropractor explains the science behind what’s going on in our bodies and he has concrete suggestions for how to better manage our stress. He believes stress is at the root of all of our disease in the modern world. He suggests looking at the elements--earth, air, water, and fire--for clues on building resilience and cultivating optimal health.
Visit his website here:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements
Register for our Wise Traditions conference here:
What evidence is there that EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are harmful? And how should we respond to 5G technology being rolled out into most major cities? Brandon LaGreca, author of “Cancer and EMF Radiation,” answers these questions and more in part two of this podcast series.
Today, Brandon kicks things off by explaining his own cancer diagnosis and how he chose to address it. Then he goes deep into the corroborating lines of evidence that show the risk EMFs pose to our health: epidemiological and experimental studies, mechanisms at play, and animal studies. He also offers insights about what to do to defend ourselves in light of the growing exposure to radiation, and he gives us advice about how to nurture health and build resilience across the board.
Visit Brandon LaGreca's website:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
Visit the Weston A. Price Foundation website:
How problematic really is the radiation emitted by our cell phones, cell phone towers, & wifi networks? Brandon LaGreca, author of "Cancer and EMF Radiation," helps us understand the consequences of radiation exposure from non-native electromagnetic fields (EMFs) like that which comes from these sources, compact fluorescent lightbulbs, our electronic devices, & more.
Among other things, Brandon explains how EMFs can be measured, how they suppress melatonin production, and how magnesium protects our cells from EMF damage. He also gives concrete tips for lessening the risk and lowering our EMF exposure in the day to day.
Visit Brandon LaGreca's website here.
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
Visit the Weston A. Price Foundation website:
The Aboriginal culture is one of the earth's oldest. What did these indigenous people eat to survive over 60,000 years in the harsh climate of Australia? Australian author John Newton explores this subject in his book "The Oldest Foods on Earth."
His own curiosity got piqued when he tried kangaroo for the first time. It dawned on him that it was actually the first time he had ever knowingly consumed a native Australian food. That moment led to his interest in, and advocacy for local, traditional foods.
Today, John shares with us some of the stories behind his books, which describe the history of traditional foods and recipes, along with resources for finding these foods. He also discusses our penchant for foreign "super foods" over foods closer to home, insights into the complicated relationship between indigenous people in Australia and European Australians, and the growing movement to embrace indigenous food worldwide.
Find John Newton's books here.
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
For more on nourishing food, visit our website:
Have you ever wondered what life is really like on a farm? What does it take to run a farm? The romantic allure of fresh air, a slower pace, and ethically sustainable foods make farm life appealing, but it honestly takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice.
Today, Paul Grieve of Primal Pastures, a regenerative farm in Southern California, offers insights into the realities of running a farm and walks us through a day-in-the-life of a small farmer, sharing some of his early struggles and how he overcame them. Paul also explains why balance is key--how farms need to be not only economically and ecologically sustainable, but also socially sustainable for the communities they serve and the families that run them. If you haven’t visited a local farm yet, this conversation may inspire you to do just that!
For more from Paul, visit his website:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
And register for the Wise Traditions conference here.
Weight loss is often on the mind, even for those who "eat right." Today, Sally Fallon Morell, author, real food advocate, and the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, offers ideas for how to best nourish ourselves to maintain a healthy weight and mind. As she reviews the summer Wise Traditions journal, Sally highlights topics such as the keto diet, coconut oil as a food to boost memory, and how to build up good bacteria in our bodies to fight infectious diseases. She also celebrates dietary traditions in the Ukraine--such as consuming organ meats and raw dairy--and looks at trends in the U.S. (particularly for how we nourish our children) that are troubling.
For more from Sally, check out her blog:
Visit our sponsor's website: Ancestral Supplements.
Find out more about events in Australia in September 2019 here.
Fermented foods are SO popular right now: from kimchi to kombucha to kraut to kefir. But do they live up to the hype? Why are they thought to be so good for us? Can you ever eat too much of them? What does die-off look like? Which are the best ones to incorporate into our diet?
In front of a LIVE audience in Southern California, fermentation experts Monica Ford and Elaina Luther answer a wide variety of questions related to ferments. Monica is an ancestral cuisine chef, who launched Real Food Devotee, the first ancestral cuisine delivery service in the country. Elaina Luther is the founder of Culture Club 101, a "beyond organic" nourishing café, specialized grocery store, and community learning center.
Together, with fun and flair, they explore the myths & little-known truths about ferments. How do they boost our health exactly? Which help to fight eczema? Which fight fungal infections? Is it true that eating ferments counterbalances the carcinogenic effects of grilled meats? And what’s the deal with kombucha? Is there too much sugar in it for it to do us much good?
Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about the subject, Monica and Elaina bring up some surprising revelations about these ancient, nearly magical foods.
For more from Monica, visit her website:
For more from Elaina, visit
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
And donate to WAPF's fundraising drive here.
Growing up, Jo Whitton suffered with poor health. She had food intolerances, histamine reactions, frequent colds, and more. As she grew older, her problems increased, and she noticed that her children struggled with similar issues. When her 11 year-old son began to develop strange phobias, extreme anxiety and other mental health concerns, Jo began to look for answers, like never before.
Today, Jo is a popular author and speaker and the podcast host of "A Quirky Cooking Journey." She and her family have reversed the trend of poor physical and mental health and Jo shares their story to help others do the same. Through the GAPS (Gut and Psychology) diet, she turned things around and now she lectures around the world about the importance of gut health.
On this episode, we cover the many symptoms of poor gut health--ranging from OCD to anxiety to allergies to constipation to diarrhea to arthritis, and more--along with how to begin the journey of healing the gut with nutrient-rich foods.
For more from Jo, visit her website:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
Donate to WAPF's fundraising drive here.
Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is normally the host and producer of this show. Today, in honor of hitting the two million download mark, we turn the tables and invite her to impart her top health hacks as a guest on the program.
Hilda has traveled extensively, exploring wise traditions. She has conducted over 200 interviews for this podcast. She is a certified integrative nutrition health coach and an ACE-certified fitness professional.
On this episode, Hilda shares her tips for improving energy and overall well-being. She tells her own journey and the story of the birth defect that jeopardized her health from the start. She offers insights on the power of sunlight to improve sleep and hormonal function, gives suggestions for how to transition to a more ancestral diet, and reveals the daily physical and spiritual practices that give her perspective and strength.
For more from Hilda, visit her website
For more on our guest host, Marisa Moon, visit her website
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
And register today for our Wise Traditions conference here. (Use the coupon code "WTpodcast" for $20 off!)
Sadly, modern living is often grossly out of balance with nature, resulting in poor health, poor soil health, biodiversity loss, and trauma to indigenous communities.We are decidedly not living harmoniously with the world. We’ve cleared 2/3 of the earth’s surface and killed one billion species.
How can we restore nature’s balance? And what can we learn from Aboriginal Australians’ way of life?
Dr. Geraldine McGuire has spent the better part of her life restoring a rainforest in in North Queensland, Australia. She is an environmental and agricultural scientist, and the founder and director of Rainforest Bounty.
As a scientist, and as a human being, she has grown in her understanding of what it means to live harmoniously with the planet and with people. In today's conversation she reflects on the urgency to live differently. She talks about what she's learned from life in the rainforest and from the original inhabitants of the area. She describes plants and fruits native to the region, and mixed-species farming, an indigenous practice that has often been overlooked.
Restoring humanity through restoring the earth is a concept from the Aboriginal community that she has embraced. And she guides us all on how to incorporate this approach into our day-to-day lives.
For more on Rainforest Bounty, visit their website here.
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
And register today for our Wise Traditions conference here.
Why are bess disappearing? What contributes to "colony collapse disorder?" Do we need bess to survive as a human race? And what about honey? Why is it so hard to find the real deal? And are we consuming more than we should?
Beekeeper and teacher Leo Sharashkin answers these questions and more. Leo learned beekeeping from his uncle in his native Russia. Today, among other things, Leo offers his theory on why we have a dying bee population. He describes what wild beekeeping looks like. And he addresses the question of honey adulteration (why not all honey on the shelves is true honey).
By the end of the conversation you'll gain insights on bees, honey, and how Leo lives out the theme of the book he edited "Keeping Bees with a Smile."
For more from Leo, visit his website:
Check out our sponsor: Ancestral Supplements.
And register today for our Wise Traditions conference here.
It’s time to disrupt the trend of chronic illness in the next generation of kids. Hilary Boynton has a bright idea for achieving this goal. Hilary is the head of nutrition services at The Manzanita School in Topanga, California, and she is the author of the “Heal Your Gut Cookbook.” Her plan is to reinvent the “Lunch Lady" and the very lunch she serves up. Her mission is to truly nourish children and she is training up a new wave of lunch leaders to do just that. She talks to us about how she and her team approach the lunches they make at their own school, how they follow Wise Traditions guidelines for nutrient-dense meals, their relationship with the local farmers, how they inspire the kids to try the food they make and more. This conversation challenges all of us to become a part of the change we want to see in the world. Hilary reminds us of what’s at stake and the power of just one meal to turn things around.
For info on the "Lunch Leader Intensive", go to You can find Hilary on Instagram @liveyumyum.
Check out our sponsor Ancestral Supplements.
And sign up for our Wise Traditions conference here.
John Arbuckle of Singing Prairie Farms is a 9th generation livestock farmer. Today, he helps us take a deep dive into the heart of regenerative farming practices. He explains how we need to see soil differently, as a living entity that we must nurture and respect.
His family has been farming for the last 300 years, and they've learned a thing or two along the way. In this conversation, John shares their accumulated wisdom. He discusses how recent droughts, flooding and even wildfires are related to our disconnect with the land. He contrasts regenerative agriculture to the industrial model of farming and explains how good the former is for the planet. And he invites us all to "hold hands with the earth" and take part in regenerating the soil, whether we are farmers or not.
For more from John, visit his website,
Check out our sponsors: Vintage Tradition and Ancestral Supplements.
Sign up for our Wise Traditions conference here.